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(1) 名词解释
RGB Red Green Blue,红绿蓝三原色
CMYK Cyan Magenta yellow blacK , 青、品红、黄、黑,用于印刷的四分色
HIS Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示器
FFT Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm (method) 快速傅氏变换算法
CWT continuous wavelet transform 连续小波变换
DCT Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换DiscreteWaveletTransform 离散小波变换? Gray Level Histogram 灰度直方图 there is only one set of αk for any given f(x), then the ψk (x) are called basis functions 基函数基图像多尺度分析is a function of the form: for some real constants a 0, b, c 0, and e ≈ 2.718281828 (Euler’s number).对于一些真正的常量0,b,c 0,和e≈2.718281828(欧拉数)。 高斯函数
锐化滤波器平滑滤波器/卷积smoothing?filter?are?used?for?blurring?and?for?noise?reduction平滑滤波器用于模糊处理和降低噪声/卷积图像增强和图像恢复空间域滤波Spatial domain filtering:
频率域滤波Frequency domain filtering:Frequency domain filtering with a variable frequency for the signal filtering以频率作为变量对信号进行滤波
空间分辨率:spatial resolution is a measure of the smallest discernible detail in an image.图像中可辨别的最小细节的度量
灰度分辨率:Intensity resolution refers to the smallest discernible change in intensity level.灰度分辨率是指在灰度级中可分辨的最小变化取样sampling: Digitizing the coordinate values is called sampling.对坐标值进行数字化
量化 quantization:Digitizing the amplitude values is called quantization.对幅值数字化
图像压缩:Image compression ,the art and science of reducing the amount of data required to represent an image.图像压缩是一种减少描绘一幅图像所需数据量的技术和科学.Cite one example of digital image processing
Answer: In the domain of medical image processing we may need to inspect a certain class of images generated by an electron microscope to eliminate bright, isolated dots that are no interest.
2.Cite one example of spatial operation举一个空间操作的例子
Answer: In the domain of medical image processing we may need to inspect a certain class of images generated by an electron microscope to eliminate bright, isolated dots that are no interest.
3.Cite one example of frequency domain operation from the following processing result, make a general comment about ideal highpass filter (figure B) and Gaussian highpass filter(figure D)
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