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毕 业 论 文 学生姓名: 王沁 学 号: 20121204011021 系别班级: 国际教育学院2012级金融合2B 专 业: 金融学 题 目: 网络经济背景下虚拟货币发展的现 状、问题及对策研究 指导者: 安文广 讲师 评阅者: 讲师 2016 年 月 日 毕业论文中文摘要 网络经济背景下虚拟货币发展的现状、问题及对策研究 摘要: 网络作为二十世纪的新兴产物,越来越在人们的生活中发挥重要作用。虚拟货币作为二十一世纪网络经济发展的又一力作,适应了新时代的各种需要,满足了消费者的各种需求,发展前景无限广阔,拥有巨大的市场潜力。但是就目前情况来看,其发展阶段仍属于起步状态,并且由于其本身所特有的开放性和虚拟性,因而更加难以察觉和控制其伴生的风险。 本文主要通过在上述网络经济的背景下虚拟货币的发展现状进行初步剖析,并以Q币和集分宝为例,对比分析这两种虚拟货币各自的特点、使用情况、未来发展趋势等,从而发现其中的主要问题,提出具有针对性的解决方案一方面可以预测和控制虚拟货币所带来的风险,降低甚至是消除对经济社会造成的不良影响;一方面引导并使虚拟货币正常发展,充分发挥虚拟货币对于虚拟经济乃至实体经济的促进作用。 关键字:虚拟货币;网络金融;Q币;集分宝 毕业论文外文摘要 Title Research on the Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Virtual Currency Under the background of Internet-bases economy Abstract: Network,as a new product of the 21st century,,plays an increasingly important role in peoples lives. market potential. As currently envisaged, however, its development stage is still belongs to the initial state. Its unique features, openness and virtuality, makes more difficult to detect and control the associated risks. This article, mainly based on the examples of QQ COINs and JI FEN BAO , uses the primary analysis of the development of virtual currency under the background of Internet-bases economy, which has been proposed just now, to compare the individual characteristics, distincted usage and future development of these two different kinds of virtual currency and discovers the main issues as well as the solutions specifically for them. On the one hand, it can predict and control the risks brought by the virtual currency and reduce or even eliminate the adverse effects on the economy and society. On the other hand, it guides the virtual currency to normal development, and makes it possible to do an adequate job of promoting the development of virtual economy and real economy. Keywords: vi


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