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2012“外研社杯” 常州市外语演讲比赛 名称要统一一下:2012“外研社杯”常州市外语演讲比赛 第一部分:开幕式(8:30-8:45)opening ceremony A:尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家(合)早上好!欢迎来到2012年常州市大学生演讲比赛的决赛现场!我是主持人… : Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2012 Changzhou “FLTRP Cup” foreign language Public Speaking Contest, I’ Nora. 介绍本次大赛由 举办 承办 协办。主办:常州市教育局 共青团常州市委员会 承办:常州纺织服装职业技术学院 协办:外语教学与研究出版社 常州市翻译学会 A:本次大赛有来自的名选手参加比赛。: There are 74 contestants coming from different colleges in Changzhou. Thanks to the contestants for their time and devotion for this competition. A:现在,请允许我介绍莅临今天大赛现场的领导和Please let me introduce today’s honorable leaders and judges. 常州市教育局副局长 胡鹏 先生 Mr. Hu Peng, Deputy Director of the bureau of education of Changzhou 共青团常州市委副书记薛晔先生 Mr. Xueye, deputy secretary of Youth League Committee of Changzhou? 常州教育局高等教育与职业教育处处长张健先生 Mr. Zhang Jian, Director of the Higher and Vocational Education Department of the Bureau of Education of Changzhou. 团市委学校部部长钱小峰 Mr. Qian Xiaofeng, school minister of of Youth League of Changzhou 常州市教育局高等职业与教育处主任 姚文华 女士 Mr.(Mz.) Yao Wenhua, Dean of the Higher and Vocational Education Department of the Bureau of Education of Changzhou. 外语教学与研究出版社华东信息中心主任王建平先生 Mr. Wang Jianping, director of Huadong Information center of FLTRP 常州纺织服装职业技术学院党委书记赵发荣 Mr. Zhao Farong, sectrtary of party committee of Changzhou textile garment institute 常州纺织服装职业技术学院院长冯国平 Mr. Feng Guoping ,President of Changzhou Textile Garment Institute 常州纺织服装职业技术学院副院长蒋心亚 Mz. Jiang Xinya, vice-president of Changzhou Textile Garment Institute 常州纺织服装职业技术学院副院长贺仰东 Mr. He Yangdong, vice-president of Changzhou Textile Garment Institute 常州纺织服装职业技术学院院办主任赵玲珍 Mz. Zhao Lingzhen, office director of Changzhou Textile Garment Institute 下面备用: 常州纺织服装职业技术学院教务处处长邓凯 Mr. Dengkai, director of academic affairs office of Changzhou Textile Garment Institute 常州纺织服装职业技术学院学工处处长赵培新 Mr. Zhao Peixin, director of the students’ affairs office of Changzhou Textile Garment Institute 常州纺织服装职业技术学院团委书记李洁琦 Mz. Li Jieqi, the secretary of the Youth Leag


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