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SYD-3536D全自动开口闪点 试验器 目 录 一、用途………………………………………………………2 二、主要技术指标和参数……………………………………2 三、仪器结构…………………………………………………2 四、仪器使用及注意事项……………………………………3 五、仪器成套及技术文件……………………………………3 本仪器为精密、低温制冷仪器, 使用前请详阅说明书,谨慎操作! 一、产品简介 ??? 本仪器是根据中华人民共和国标准GB/T 3536《石油产品闪点和燃点测定法(克利夫兰开口杯法)》所规定的要求设计制造的。适用于按该标准规定的方法,测定除燃料油和开口闪点低于79的石油产品克利兰夫开口杯法闪点。? 二、技术指标 ??? 工作电源:AC 220V±10%, 50Hz ??? 温度测量:量程:室温~400;重复性:≤4;再现性:≤8;分辨性:0.1;精度:0.5%; ??? 升温速度:符合GB/T3536标准; ??? 点火方式:电子点火枪点火(气体火焰3~4㎜); ??? 环境温度:10~40; ??? 相对湿度:≤80%; ??? 整机功耗:不大于400W。 三、产品特点 ??? 本仪器是一款全自动的、既可测试闪点、又可测试燃点的仪器,是理想的同类进口仪器的替代产品。 ??? 本仪器采用单片机控制技术,彩色液晶显示屏,全中文人机对话界面,无标识键盘;对可预值闪点温度、试样标号、大气压强、试验日期等参数,具有菜单提示,导向式输入功能。 ??? 本仪器为台式结构,设计先进,人机对话界面亲切,操作使用方便,试验结果准确,可广泛应用于铁路、航空、电力、石油行业及大专院校、科研院所、计量检测部门等单位作石油产品闪点和燃点的检测和试验。One, product introduction The instrument is based on the peoples Republic of China standard GB / T 3536 petroleum products - Determination of flash point and ignition ( Cleveland open cup method ) the requirements of the design and manufacture of. Apply according to the standard method, except that the fuel oil and the determination of open flash point below 79 DEG C. Lan Fu cup method of flash point of petroleum products. Two, technical indicators Of working power: AC220V + 10%,50Hz Temperature measuring range of:: room temperature to 400 DEG C; repeatability: less than 4DEG C; R: = 8DEG C; resolution:0.1 DEG C; precision: 0.5%; Of heating rate: meet GB / T3536 standard; Of ignition mode: electronic ignitor ignition ( gas flame3 ~4 mm ); Of ambient temperature:10~ 40; Relative humidity: less than or equal to 80%; Power consumption: not more than 400W. Three, product characteristics In this apparatus is a fully automatic, which can be used to test the flash point, and test ignition apparatus, is the ideal alternative products imported equipment. In this instrument using single chip microcomputer control, color LCD display, full Chinese man-machine interface, without marking the keyboard; the prefetch v


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