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Unit Three
Key words:
1.a special skill, talent, or aptitude: He had a knack for saying the right thing.
2.a clever or adroit way of doing something.
be in awe of
an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures.
tending to stagger or overwhelm: a staggering amount of money required in the initial investment.
1.a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence: A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.
2.a surviving evidence or remainder of some condition, practice, etc.: These superstitions are vestiges of an ancient religion.
3.a very slight trace or amount of something: Not a vestige remains of the former elegance of the house.
At last; in/at the end; eventually
marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance. See Synonyms at unruly顽抗的
A recalcitrant person.执拗的人,桀骜不驯的人
To seize with the teeth and shake or tug at repeatedly:撕咬:用牙齿咬往并来回摇晃或用力拖拉: a dog worrying a bone.撕啃着骨头的狗
worry along or through:
Informal. to progress or succeed by constant effort, despite difficulty: to worry through an intolerable situation.
–verb (used without object)
1.to cease from some action; desist.
2.to come to an end.
–verb (used with object)
3.Archaic. to cease from; leave off.
4. cessation; end.
surcease suicide终止性自杀
1.having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable: a plausible excuse; a plausible plot.
2.well-spoken and apparently, but often deceptively, worthy of confidence or trust: a plausible commentator.
the plausible talk of a crafty salesperson.
house of cards
a structure or plan that is insubstantial and subject to imminent collapse, as a structure made by balancing playing cards against each other: The s
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