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1. Won’t water be turned into ice when it is below freezing? 2. Will the work be finished at once?? Yes, it will. When will these books be published? Whom will this book be written by? The streets _________ (light) by electricity. I _____________________ (not invite) to tomorrow’s wedding. _____ this house ________ (sell) by the King? The little girl is so pretty that she ______________ (admire) by all people when she grows up. The problem isn’t going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. Are these trees going to be cut down? Yes, they are.? The sports meet is not to be held on April 10th. Are new textbooks to be published next week? No, they aren’t. Lin Shuhao is coming to your school to direct your basketball team. What will be done in your school? Please try to make some sentences! You can use the Future Passive Voice if necessary. 1. The work ______ soon. ?A. will be finished??? B. has been finished??? C. will finish??? D. finishes 2. I ______ if I finish the work within one day. shall be praised?????B. would praise???? C. will praise?????? D. praise 3. These films ______ until tomorrow morning. can’t develop??? B. aren’t developing??? C. won’t be developed??D. won’t develop 4. Hundreds of jobs ______ if the factory closes. A. lose?????? ? B. will be lost???? C. are lost????? D. will lose 5 . — A party is going to ______ tonight. Would you like to go with me? ?? — I’d like to, but I have to look after my sick mother. ?? A. organize?? B. have been organized???? C. be organizing? D. be organized Homework 1. Revise the grammar. 2. Do the exercises in your books on Page 50. 3. Go over the Reading part and find the sentences of Future Passive Voice. * 人教课标 高一 必修 2 Unit 2 A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的 _______。 B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的 _______。 We planted the tree. The tree was planted by us. 执行者 承受者 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者 是谁。 e.g. Some new computers were stolen last night.


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