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做家务能练出纤纤细腰? We need to be in motion even at home One reason so many American women are overweight may be that we are vacuuming and doing laundry less often, according to a new study that, while scrupulously even-handed, is likely to stir controversy and emotions. 一项新的研究显示,美国有如此之多的超重女性,原因之一是她们不再那么经常使用吸尘器和洗衣服。即使以谨慎而公正的方式进行,这项研究也可能在舆论和情感层面引起轩然大波。 The study, published this month in PLoS One, is a follow-up to an influential 2011 report which used data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine that, during the past 50 years, most American workers began sitting down on the job. Physical activity at work, such as walking or lifting, almost vanished, according to the data, with workers now spending most of their time seated before a computer or talking on the phone. Consequently, the authors found, the average American worker was burning almost 150 fewer calories daily at work than his or her employed parents had, a change that had materially contributed to the rise in obesity during the same time frame, especially among men, the authors concluded. 上述研究成果是2011年发表的一篇论文的续作,刊登在本月的科研杂志《PLoS One》上。前作引起了很大反响,它通过美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据得出结论说,50年来,大多数美国劳动者逐渐开始坐着工作。像四处走动或搬运东西这样的体力劳动几乎已经消失。这些数据显示,现在劳动者把大多数时间都用在了操作电脑和打电话上。该论文的作者发现,和他们的父辈相比,美国劳动者每天在工作中消耗的热量减少了150大卡。作者断定,这样的变化对同一时期肥胖现象的增多有实质性的推动作用,特别是男性肥胖。 “Fifty years ago, a majority of women did not work outside of the home, ” said Edward Archer, a research fellow with the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, and lead author of the new study. 哥伦比亚市南卡罗来那大学阿诺德公共健康学院(Arnold School of Public Health at University of South Carolina)研究员爱德华·阿彻(Edward Archer)博士是这篇新研究报告的主笔。他说:“50年前,多数女性都不外出工作。” So, in collaboration with many of the authors of the earlier study of occupational physical activity, Dr. Archer set out to find data about how women had once spent their hours at home and whether and how their patterns of movement had changed over the years. 因此,阿彻博士联合了在之前的论文中探讨过职业体力劳动情


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