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Work Still Has Value 课文生词讲解( new words study) Work Still Has Value nickel???? ? n.(also nickle) 1. [C] a coin of the US and Canada worth 5 cents (美国和加拿大)五分硬币 A dime is equal to two nickels. 一角硬币相当于两个五分硬币。 2. [U] chemical element, a hard silver white metal often used in alloys 镍 Nickel, abbreviated as Ni, is element No. 28 in the periodical table. 镍,缩写为Ni,是元素周期表中第28号元素。 The nickel-plated trays are often taken for silver items. 镀镍的盘子常被误以为是银制的。 ? ?stun???? ? vt. 1. shock or surprise sb. so much that they can not react immediately 使吃惊,使震惊,使不知所措 His sudden death stunned the nation. 他的突然去世使全国感到震惊。 He was stunned by her elegance, beauty, and cleverness at their very first meeting. 第一次见面,他为她的优雅、魅力和睿智所倾倒。 2. make sb. unconscious by hitting on the head 击晕,打晕 A mugger stunned him with a brick and stole his wallet. 一个路贼用砖头将他击晕,偷走了他的钱包。 ? ?merge???? ? v. (into, with) combine or cause (two or more things) to combine, esp. gradually, so as to become a single thing (使)合并;(使)混合 The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged. 两支部队在前进中互相靠近,最后会合。 Where does this stream merge into the Rhine? 这条小溪在什么地方汇入莱茵河? We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one. 我们可以将两家小企业合而为一。 The bank was reported to have merged with its major rival last week. 据报道,该银行已于上周同其主要对手合并。 ? ?confer???? ? v. 1. (on, upon) bestow upon as a gift, honor, favor, etc.; endow 赋予,授予,使具有 The president may agree to a bill conferring certain rights upon those who make outstanding contributions to the country. 如果某一法案将某些权利授予那些为国家做出突出贡献的人,总统可能会同意这样的法案。 Academic degrees will be conferred upon those who have passed all the required courses and whose degree theses have been qualified. 学位将授予那些通过必修课考试、学位论文合格的人。 2. (with) consult or discuss sth. together 商议,交换意见 The prime minister withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision. 首相退席同幕僚们进行商榷后,宣布了一项决定。 McLeish saw her off and returned to confer with Catherine. 麦克利什将她送走后,回来与凯瑟琳交换意见。 ? ?dignity???? ? n. [U] quality th


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