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Eight years ago the black woman and white man were married. They have survived their families’ shock and disapproval and the stares and unwelcome comments of strangers. 这对夫妇是八年前结的婚,丈夫是白人,太 太是黑人。双方家庭对此都感到震惊并加以 反对;旁人也对他们侧目而视且非议纷纷。 面对所有这一切,他俩顶住压力,挺了过来 3. 底细,底牌,底线 Why didnt you give me the bottom line right away? 4. 最根本的利益 Whose bottom line is your insurance company concerned about? 5. 最重要或最基本想法,最终的目的 There’s a lot of things happening in the Middle East. But the bottom line is to get Iraq out of Kuwait. The former White House intern repeatedly implied that she possessed compromising information about Clinton, which was, if publicized, liable to harm his re-election for presidency. The man was lured by a bar girl to a nearby house and secretly filmed in a compromising position with the woman. The committee ruled that it was justifiable for government to outlaw pornographic magazines and films if it could show that the materials “degraded” women, thus compromising their equality. 这名前白宫实习生多次暗示,她掌握着有损克林顿名誉的负面材料。 该男子被一吧女诱骗到附近一所房子里。他与那女人在一起的时候,被人偷偷摄下了有损其形象的镜头。 该委员会裁定,假如政府能证明这些色情刊物和电影“有辱”妇女人格,由此损害了她们的平等地位,那么政府查禁这些东西就是完全正当的。 Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business. 失业人数居高不下,已持续十多个年头了。 在北京,员工队伍庞大的公司出现了运行成本高、业务量不断萎缩的局面,举步维艰。 Metonymy 转喻 A figure of speech that means the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another closely associated with it. Silicon Valley: American Hi-tech center in California Uncle Sam: a person American government; an American Washington: American government Whitehall: British government fat cat: The rich who are the main supporters of campaign Langley: CIA Once the political chaff is dusted away, the mini- debate over Bosnia is instructive. Both Bush and Clinton were saying the same thing. Bosnia:波黑战争 Synecdoche 提喻法 Synecdoche is a kind of rhetorica


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