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网络空间国际战略前言网络空间及其技术给不同民族、种族、信仰和观点的人之间的交流和合作带来了空前的便利。今天,美国公司可以通过互联网在任何地方开展业务,这给美国人民带来了无数的工作岗位和机会。一个非洲农村的母亲可以将工艺品卖给拉丁美洲家庭,在更大范围内推动经济的发展。欧洲的实验室可以用亚洲加工的硬件和北美编写的软件对某些领域的变化进行研究,而澳大利亚和中东的学生可以通过视频会议一起学习。同时,得益于信息技术,全球公民比任何时候都有权力来帮助他们的政府更加开放和负责。 Today, as nations and peoples harness the networks that are all around us, we have a choice. We can either work together to realize their potential for greater prosperity and security, or we can succumb to narrow interests and undue fears that limit progress. Cyber security is not an end unto itself; it is instead an obligation that our governments and societies must take on willingly, to ensure that innovation continues to flourish, drive markets, and improve lives. While offline challenges of crime and aggression have made their way to the digital world, we will confront them consistent with the principles we hold dear: free speech and association, privacy, and the free flow of information. 今天,随着我们身边越来越多的国家和人民开始充分利用网络,我们面临着一个选择。我们既可以一起努力以推动网络潜在的繁荣和安全,也可以屈服于狭隘利益和恐惧而限制互联网的发展。网络安全本身不是目的,它是我们政府和社会必须资源承担的义务,以推动创新、刺激市场、改善生活。虽然线下犯罪和侵略进入了数字化世界,并给我们带来了新的挑战,但是我们在应对挑战的时候仍将会坚持我们珍视的原则:言论自由、结社自由、保护隐私以及信息流通自由。 The digital world is no longer a lawless frontier, nor the provience of a small elite. It is a place where the norms of responsible, just, and peaceful conduct among states and peoples have begun to take hold. It is one of the finest examples of a community self-organizing, as civil society, academia, the private sector, and governments work together democratically to ensure its effective management. Most important of all, this space continues to grow, develop, and promote prosperity, security, and openness as it has since its invention. This is what sets the Internet apart in the international environment, and why it is so important to protect. 数字世界已不再是一个无法无天的野蛮之地,也不是由一小部分精英独享。在网络上,各国之间和人们之间形成了负责、公正和和谐的良好氛围。这是社区自治组织的最佳范例之一,民间社会、学术界、私营部门和政府以民主的方式共同努力,以确保其管理得当。最重要的是,这个空间一直在不断的成长、发展,并且一如既往的促进繁荣、安全、开放。这使互联网成为了国际环境的一部分,也是为什么保护互联网很重要的原因。 In this s


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