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查看文章 美丽中国(Wild China)第二集 香格里拉 Shangri-La 中英文字幕文本(一)2009-05-07 17:401 00:00:00,000 -- 00:00:02,759 锦绣中华2 香格里拉 2 00:00:02,760 -- 00:00:05,880 翻腾的云海之下 Beneath billowing clouds, 3 00:00:05,920 -- 00:00:08,600 在中国西南遥远的云南省 in Chinas far southwestern Yunnan province, 4 00:00:08,640 -- 00:00:10,840 有一个神秘而又充满传奇的地方 lies a place of mystery and legend. 5 00:00:15,320 -- 00:00:20,720 这儿有着世界上最久远的雨林以及奔腾的河流 Of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world. 6 00:00:22,200 -- 00:00:26,640 藏匿于此的河谷养育了奇异而又独特的动物 Here, hidden valleys nurture strange and unique creatures, 7 00:00:29,840 -- 00:00:32,400 同时也孕育了多彩的民族风情 and colourful tribal cultures. 8 00:00:38,560 -- 00:00:42,080 雨林在远离热带的北部地区是罕见的 Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics. 9 00:00:46,960 -- 00:00:48,920 可是 为什么却得以在此茁壮成长 So, why do they thrive here? 10 00:00:51,160 -- 00:00:57,800 为何整个中国崎岖不平的山地里 却蕴藏着富饶多姿的自然财富 And how has this rugged landscape come to harbour the greatest natural wealth in all China? 11 00:01:38,560 -- 00:01:42,000 在中国西南部的一个偏远的角落里 In the remote southwest corner of China, 12 00:01:42,040 -- 00:01:44,200 即将举行一场庆典 a celebration is about to take place. 13 00:01:53,200 -- 00:01:57,280 傣族人为他们一年中最重要的节日收集水 Dai people collect water for the most important festival of their year. 14 00:02:06,880 -- 00:02:09,400 傣族人也称自己为水之民 The Dai call themselves the people of the water. 15 00:02:12,040 -- 00:02:16,640 云南的河谷地带 是他们的两千多年来繁衍生息的故里 Yunnans river valleys have been their home for over 2,000 years. 16 00:02:25,680 -- 00:02:28,560 把河水带到寺庙 By bringing the river water to the temple, 17 00:02:28,600 -- 00:02:31,600 敬俸傣族人最神圣的两件事物—— they honour the two things holiest to them - 18 00:02:31,640 -- 00:02:35,360 佛教和他们的家园 Buddhism and their home. 19 00:02:52,760 -- 00:02:57,520 傣族人感恩养育了傣族文化的河流以及肥沃的土地 The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile lands which have nurtured their culture. 20 00:03:06,800 -- 00:03:12,200 或许这看上去只是为了打上一场大水仗的借口 Though to some it might seem just an


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