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Principles of sustainable urban development Background and Strategies Mr. Johannes Dell ASP – Albert Speer Partner GmbH, Frankfurt Mitglied der Gesch?ftsleitung + Partner/Member of Management Board +Partner ASP – Architects Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Executive Director 1 Introduction Since more than 45 years, ASP- Albert Speer Partner GmbH has worked in the field of urban and architectural design, transportation planning as well as project- and process-management in many regions of the world. Strategic city development in a large scale with a focus on resources-efficiency has been a major issue in these projects almost from the first projects on.The experiences gained over the years has helped us to identify a number of thesis’s and strategies for sustainable urban development, which can help to plan,organize and implement city-growth more appropriately; in different stages and scales, from regional development up to the design of single buildings. In this context, the more technical aspects of reducing recourses consumption play of course an important role. Yet apart from that, aspects of social harmonization, the mix of functions to provide lively, manifold and diverse cityscapes and environments must be recognized. And last not least the design of a city fabric, which can be distinguished and perceived by the citizens as “their” own city, quarter or neighbourhood. I am talking about citizenship in general, corporate governance, identification of the citizens with their community, and in the end about city-marketing or –branding. City planning and urban design are integral parts of a process, which starts on a very abstractly on a state- or regional planning level and ends with the construction of our build up urban environment, buildings, open spaces, roads and infrastructure. This process requires quite a sophisticated management to be successful, that means the synchronization and harmonization of many often parallel evolving,sometime even cont


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