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英语议论文写作指导和范文 Argumentation arguing --- a fundamental activity and an important skill --- to persuade your audience to accept your point of view --- about a controversial point --- with sound reasoning Persuasion and argumentation ---- when you hope to get your readers to agree with you (to convince readers), you抣l write something of this kind. ---- two kinds of appeal in your writing: persuasion appeals to emotion argumentation appeals to reason An argumentation should be debatable --- Computer automation has brought about a lot of changes. --- Computer automation has increased unemployment. An argumentation should have a clear standpoint for or against a point rather than something in between --- A terminally ill patient has the right to an assisted suicide. --- Homosexual citizens in our society must be granted full legal spousal benefits, equivalent to those of the heterosexual. An argumentation assumes actual objections to your proposition Of the arguments against capital punishment, two are heard most often: 1. That hanging a man (or frying him or gassing him) is a dreadful business, degrading to those who have to do it and revolting to those who have to witness it. 2. That it is useless, for it does not deter others from the same crime. An argument essay deals with both confirming and refuting An argument will support its own proposition by showing why its proposition is strong. It will also point out errors of logic and failures of insight of the opposition to show where the opposition抯 argument falls short / breaks down or why the oppositions is weak. Suppose you are writing an essay arguing that your college should use the money intended to build a campus health and fitness center to upgrade the library instead. From reading the school paper, you know that supporters of the center say it will help attract new students to the college. How would you rebut that point? --- Most students choose a college becaus


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