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看LOST学英语 第四季 2集: Confirmed Dead [Scene: Previously on “Lost” ] previously: 之前的 -Naomi: Just tell my sister that I love her. just: 只是,只要 告诉我妹妹我爱她。 -Jack: You killed Naomi! kill: 杀死 你杀了Naomi! -John: She wants her people to come here. want: 想要 people: 人们 她想要她的人来这里。 And trust me, when they do, We had better be far away from here. trust: 相信 do: 代指上句come here had better: 最好 far away from: 远离 相信我,等他们到了,我们最好离这里远点。 If you want to live, you need to come with me. live: 活命 come with: 跟着某人来 想活命的话就得跟着我。 -Jack: No ones going anywhere with you, John. no one’s going= no one is going anywhere: 无论哪里 没人会跟着你的, John -Kate: What are you doing? 你在做什么? –James: same thing Ive always done, Kate—Survivin. ‘ve=have 一如既往,Kate...生存 -Kate: The thunders getting louder. thunder: 打雷声 get louder: 变的越来越大 雷声越来越大了。 [Scene: Seen from a DV, Two remote-operated drones of the salvage vehicle—Christiane are working under the sea.] remote-operated: 遥控的 drone: 无人艇 salvage vehicle: 打捞船 -Man A: Sorry, Ron. 抱歉 Ron -Man B: Drones got nothing but seafood at 5,000 meters below. drone: 无人艇 ‘s got=has got: 得到 seafood: 海鲜 无人探索艇在在海霞5000米除了海鲜什么也没发现 -Man A: You picking anything up with yours? pick sth. up: 找到 yours=your drone 你那里找到什么了吗? -Man B: Zip. Im trying to get her a peek over this ridge as soon as I can. zip: 拉链【闭嘴】[be quiet, in other words, shut up your freakin’ mouth] –from unban dictionary peek: 窥视 ridge: 山脊 as soon as: 尽快 没有,我尽快看看能不能再山脊上发现点什么。 Sonars pinging up something now. sonar: 声波定位仪 ping: 发送回显信息 声纳仪正在探索 Hey, you wanna switch feeds? wanna=want to: 想要 switch: 转换 feed=feedback: 反馈信息 你想切换信号吗? -Man A: Roger that. roger: 收到,无线电通讯用语 收到,执行! Im headed on a bearing of about 1-3-7 head: 朝…前进 bearing: 方位,方向感 我正朝1-3-7方向探索 From the coordinates we pulled off our guys map. coordinate: 坐标 pull off: 驶出 guy: 家伙,伙伴 从坐标上,看我们超过了制定地图区域。 But dont hold your breath, hold one’s breath: 因激动而屏住呼吸 但别吃惊, Magnetometer is picking up a hell of a lot of anomalies down here. magnetometer: 磁力计 pick up: 获得 anomaly: 异常现象


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