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图像处理和图像识别中常用的matlab函数 2012年03月28日 星期三 9:42 下面仅给出函数的大概意思,详细用法见: help 函数名 或 matlab help 1、imread:read image from graphics file; 2、imshow:display image in Handle Graphics figure; 3、imwrite:write image to graphics file; 4、rgb2gray:convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale; 5、im2bw:convert image to binary image, based on threshold; 6、exist:check existence of variable, function, directory, or class; 7、size:size of array,用此函数可以获得图像的高和宽; 8、min:smallest elements in array; 9、max:largest elements in array; 10、fprintf:write data to text file;将信息显示到屏幕上或将数据写到指定的文件中; 11、conv2:two dimensional convolution;二维卷积(图像滤波); 12、ones(m, n):create array of all ones; 13、zeros(m, n):create array of all zeros; 14、interp2:2-D data interpolation;二维插值(图像插值),多和meshgrid一起用; 15、meshgrid:generate X and Y arrays for 3-D plots;用于产生网格,将向量区域转换成矩阵; 16、clf:clear current figure window;清除当前的图像,图像窗口仍存在; 17、pause:halt execution temporarily;暂停; 18、figure:create figure graphics object; 19、pinv:Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix;求矩阵的伪逆; 20、hold on:holds the current plot and all axis properties so that subsequent graphingcommands add to the existing graph; 21、hold off:returns to the default mode whereby PLOT commands erase the previousplots and reset all axis properties before drawing new plots; 22、error:display message and abort function; 23、isempty:determine whether array is empty; 24、close:remove specified figure; 25、repmat:replicate and tile an array; 26、find:find indices and values of nonzero elements; 27、cell:construct cell array; 28、atan2: four quadrant inverse tangent; 29、prod:product(乘积) of array elements,对于向量返回的是其所有元素的积、对于矩阵返回的是按列向量的所有元素的积,然后组成 一行向量; 30、abs:absolute value and complex magnitude; 31、disp:Display text or array; 32、clear:remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory; 33、clc:clear command window; 34、delete:delete file or graphics object; 35、diary:save text of MATLAB session(a copy of all subsequent command window input and most of the resulting command window output to be appended



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