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BASIC HOTEL TERMINOLOGY for TUC-FIU HOSPITALITY-12/2011(Compiled by N. Darby)***Hospitality– The cordial and generous reception and entertainment of guests, either socially or commercially. (* Commonly used terms)_____________________________________________________________________COMMON ABBREVIATIONS:ADR: Average Daily Rate; AGM: Assistant General Manager; B B: Bed and Breakfast; BOH: Back of the House; CFO: Chief Financial Officer; CHA: Certified Hotel Administrator; CHRIE: Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education;Comp. – Complimentary; DND: Do Not Disturb; DNS: Did Not Stay; ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival; FB: Food and Beverage; FO: Front Office Manager; GM: General Manager; GMK: Grand Master Key;HK: Housekeeping; HRD: Human Resources Department; HWC – Handle With Care; OOO – Out of Order; OPL – On premises Laundry ; RM – Resident Manager.TYPES of RATES (Related to Meals): AP – American Plan; BP – Bermuda Plan; CP – Continental Plan; EP – European Plan; FAP – Full American Plan; MAPModified American Plan; _____________________________________________________________________AAA - American Automobile Association (Usually referred to as “Triple A”) responsible for the “Diamond Rating” in HotelsAARP:American Association of Retired Persons.Accounts payable – Amount of money that the hotel owes to private and government- agencies, suppliers and vendors.Accounts receivable – Amount of money owed to the hotel, by guests etc.Add-ons:additional tour features that are not included in tour priceAdds:last minute reservations added to reservation list on day of arrival.*ADR – (Average Daily Rate) – Room Revenue divided by number of occupied rooms.AD-75:Agent Discount – 75%. Airline rate usually reserved for agents and operators who are major source of business; (granted at discretionof the airlines)Adjoining Rooms – Rooms next to each other (not connected)Advance Deposit – Payment made by a Guest (Cash or Credit Card) to sec


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