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摘 要 在自动化控制领域,PLC是一种重要的控制设备。目前,世界上有200多厂家生产300多品种PLC产品,应用在汽车(23%),粮食加工(16.4%)、化学/制药(14.6%)、金属/矿山(11.5%)、纸浆/造纸(11.3%)等行业。上世纪80年代至90年代中期,是PLC发展最快的时期,年增长率一直保持为30%—40%。在这个时期,PLC在处理模拟量能力、数字运算能力、人机接口能力和网络能力得到大幅度提高,PLC逐渐进入过程控制领域,而且在某些应用上取代了在过程控制领域处于统治地位的DCS系统。现今,PLC已经具有通用性强、使用方便、适应面广、可靠性高、抗干扰能力强,编程简单等特点。在可预见的将来,PLC在工业自动化控制特别是顺序控制中的主导地位,是其他控制技术无法取代的。本文介绍了S7-200 PLC控制系统在轧钢棒材生产中系统中的应用,着重描述了系统配置及冷床控制功能。最后通过,通过测试和实验的成功表明本文研究成果的可行性和可靠性。 关键词: PLC控制系统;轧钢;棒材生产;冷床顺序控制; ABSTRACT In the area of Automation Control,Programmable Logic Controller is an important control equipment.Currently,there are over 200 manufacturers that produce more than 300 varieties of PLC products,which are now applied in auto industry(23%),grain processing(16.4%),chemicalpharmacy(14.6%),metalsmine(11.5%),paper pulp and paper making(11.3%) and many other industries.The PLC develop fastest during the 1980s and the mid-1990s,the value of gross output of PLC increase at the speed of 30%-40% per year.In this period,the PLC technology has developed rapidly in the field of analogy processing,digital quantity operation,man-machine interface,network service,gradually the PLC entered the field of process control because of these,and in some fields the PLC has token the place of Distributed Control System-the once king in the field of process control.And now,the PLC has been equipped with good commonality,ease of use,wide applicability,high reliability,good anti-interference,easy programmability and some other advantages.In the foreseeable future,the PLC will dominate the industrial automation and control,especially Sequence Control,and it cant be replaced by other control technologies.This article will introduce how s7-200 PLC system works in rolling steel bar production,and it focus on describing System Configuration and cooling bed control.Lastly,tests and experiments show that the research results this article describes are practical and reliable. Key words: PLC control system; steel rolling; bar production;


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