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黄石公园长达六个月的严冬For six months Yellowstone endures an unrelenting winter. 是一个狩猎与被狩猎的An ice world of hunters. 冰雪世界And hunted. 现在山坡上的足印But now footsteps on the slopes of a mountain 预示着季节的变换herald a change in the season. 太阳重新焕发活力The sun regains its strength. 水再次流动Water flows again. 各种族都忙着弥补在冬天失去的东西The race begins to recover winters losses. 玩耍To play. 学习Learn. 和繁殖And breed. 但在这片不可预知的荒野中But the summer ahead will be fleeting 即将到来夏天是短暂的and far from easy 度过它也绝非易事in this unpredictable wilderness. 现在是四月Its April. 这片大地摆脱了冬天The land lies exhausted by winter. 万物都在等待太阳重新给予他们温暖Everything is waiting for the return of the suns warmth. 美国多山的西北部The end of winter comes late 冬天迟迟不肯离开to the mountainous northwest of the United States. 尤其是在黄石公园逗留最久And in particular, it lingers in Yellowstone. 黄石公园的中心地带The heart of Yellowstone is a high, cold plateau 是洛矶山脉中海拔8000英尺 群峰环绕的寒冷高地8,000 feet up, surrounded by the spires of the Rocky Mountains. 在山中睡足五个月后After five months sleeping in those mountains, 一种强大的生物又登场了a powerful presence returns. 这头雌灰熊This female grizzly bear 为了替它2岁大的幼熊找食物早早醒来has awoken early to find food for her two-year-old cubs. 但是这一回她可能把一家人带过来太早了But she may have brought her family here too early. 提腾地区The Tetons, 位于黄石公园高地的最南边on the extreme southern edge of the Yellowstone plateau. 通常春天的脚步从这里开始Its where the spring thaw normally begins. 但是今年春天姗姗来迟But this year its come late. 对她的幼崽而言厚厚的雪很新奇Deep snow is still a novelty for her cubs. 但她有更需要关注的事情But she is much more focused. 在鼻子的引导下 她冒险Led by her nose, she risks her 300-pound bulk 在覆盖于蛇河的薄薄冰层上移动着她约300磅的身躯on the thin ice of a bend in the Snake River. 看起来好象没什么指望It doesnt look promising 但她的幼崽只稍犹豫了一下又跟了上来but her cubs follow with only a little hesitation. 她现在用能打倒一头麋鹿的掌With paws that can knock down an elk, 细致优雅地在水中感觉摸索she feels delicately in the water. 一条鱼在寒冷的冬天被冻结在冰面之下A fish frozen beneath the ice by this cold winter. 一条鱼喂不饱全家One fish wont feed the family 但是她几乎很肯定地知道这还有更多的鱼but she knows there are almost certainly more. 小熊必须学会这项技能The cubs must learn


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