EHS-020 特种设备及作业人员安全管理制度EHS-020 特种设备及作业人员安全管理制度.docx

EHS-020 特种设备及作业人员安全管理制度EHS-020 特种设备及作业人员安全管理制度.docx

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EHS-020 特种设备及作业人员安全管理制度EHS-020 特种设备及作业人员安全管理制度

1目的( Purpose )1.1为了加强特种设备和特种作业人员的管理,确保特种设备的安全运行,防止发生特种设备事故,保障员工生命和财产安全,特制定本规定。We draw this formulate in order to strengthen the management of special equipments and special operations staffs, to ensure the safe running of the special equipments, to prevent the accidents of special equipments, to ensure the safety of staffs’ life and property. 1.2. 对特种作业人员、包括特种设备作业人员(以下简称特种作业人员)的教育培训、持证上岗管理作出了规定。We set rules to the staffs who are engaged in special operations, including the educational training of special equipments work staffs (which is short for special work staffs ) and receive related certificates.2适用范围(Scope)此份文件应用于以下部门/区域:This document is applied to the following departments/areas:制造部Manufacture Department螺钉单元Screw unit钢板单元Steel unit器械单元Equipment unit其他类单元The other kind of unit人力资源部HR Department设备部Equipment Department项目部Project Department物流部Logistics Department其他Others 3.依据(According)《中华人民共和国安全生产法》The production safety law of the Peoples Republic of China《特种设备安全监察条例》Special equipment safety supervision regulations《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定》Special operations personnel safety technical training evaluation management regulations《特种设备作业人员监督管理办法》Special equipmentoperations staffs supervision management methods《行政许可法》Administrative Permission Law4 用语定义(Definitions)4.1特种设备:本规定所称特种设备是指涉及生命安全、危险性较大的锅炉、压力容器(含气瓶,下同)、压力管道、电梯、起重机械、厂内专用机动车辆。Special equipments: it refers to as follows: involved life security, greater dangerous boiler, pressure vessel (including the gas bottle, the following as the same) pressure pipe, elevator, crane equipments, and the motor vehicle for special purpose in the factory.4.2 特种设备包括其附属的安全附件、安全保护装置和与安全保护装置相关的设施。The special equipments include the safety attachments, safe protective equipments and the equipments related to the safe protective device.4.3本规定所称特种作业人员:是指容易发生事故,对操作者本人、他人的安全健康及设备、设施的安全可能造成重大危害的作业人员。特种作业的范围由国家特种作业目录规定,公司内有:高压电工、低压电工、焊接与切割、等特种作业。The special operations staffs in this rule refer to as follows: those positions are easy to have acci


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