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云南XXX软件职业学院 学生毕业设计论文 题 目 校园个人档案管理系统 设计小组       二级学院   信息工程学院   专  业   计算机软件技术  年 级 08级 班 级 软件六班 学  号   X XXXXXXXXX   姓  名   X X 指导教师  XXX    职 称 讲 师 2010年11月 云南XXX软件职业学院教务处 校园个人档案管理系统 【】Microsoft Access 2010 (Beta)作为后台数据库,设计界面以Adobe Photoshop CS3。本系统具有学生档案管理,班级管理,课程管理,成绩管理,专业管理等模块,可分别完成日常学生档案,班级信息,课程信息,成绩信息的添加、修改、删除、查询、等功能。 论文主要内容是:首先简要介绍了本系统的应用背景、需求分析,设计总体思路。然后概述了管理信息系统的相关理论及开发语言的有关知识,对本系统进行了系统分析和设计,包括功能需求描述、数据库设计等内容以及本系统的具体实现。最后是关于本系统开发过程中的结论及体会。 【关健词】 C# C/S架构 学校个人档案管理系统. Personal File Management System on campus 【Abstract】The school system is a personal file management unit indispensable part of education, its content for the schools is critical to both policy makers and managers. This paper describes the status of university students file management and an overview of C # language design.?Focuses on student records management system implementation process: including system analysis, system surveys, data flow analysis, functional design, database design, system physical configuration, system implementation, system testing and debugging.?The system features a user management, student registration, class information input, information input of students, schools, professional information input, teachers, information entry, data query.Summarizes the characteristics of the system: beautiful interface, easy operation, fault tolerance, efficient, thereby saving the cost of student information management. The development of individual school management system the whole process, explained the system analysis, system design, database design and system implementation as a whole.?The system in the development of methods of use of the software engineering ideas and methods, on the whole life cycle using structured development methodology, the specific use of the prototype module implementation and object-oriented syste


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