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本科毕业论文(设计) 题目: “先行组织者”策略应用现状的调查与分析 学院: 数学与计算机科学学院 班级: 数三班 姓名: 张慧芳 指导教师: 田国萍 职称: 副教授 完成日期: 2014 年 05 月 27 日 “先行组织者”策略应用现状的调查与分析 中文摘要 关键词:先行组织者策略,高中数学,数学命题教学 Application of advance organizer strategy in the high school mathematics teaching in the thesis ABSTRACT Mathematical proposition teaching high school is the core base teaching, is an important part of high school mathematical teaching system, the focus and difficulty of teaching high school mathematics teaching is long. In the education system reform of high school new curriculum continuously advancing at the same time, research on the teaching of mathematical proposition is like a raging fire started. Based on the in-depth analysis of related research literature teaching high school mathematics proposition and advance organizer theory, the advance organizer strategy is applied to teaching high school proposition actual data, the strategy research and practice with the survey results, obtains the research results. Through the innovation of the teaching of mathematical proposition strategy provides the reference for the high school mathematics proposition teaching strategy, but also point out the next research direction and topic. KEY WORDS: The Advance Organizer Strategy, High School Mathematics, The Teaching Of Mathematical Proposition 目 录 中文摘要 ABSTRACT 前言 总结 致谢 参 考 文 献 附录-高中数学教师调查问卷 前言 1960年,奥苏贝尔在第一篇证明先行组织者促进意义学习效果的实验报告中,把“先行组织者”定义为“在正式学习之前,以适当的方式介绍的关于学习主题的前导性材料,这个前导性材料的抽象性,一般性,包容性都高于正式学习材料。”先行组织者是由“组织者”一词演化来的。奥苏贝尔认为,促进学习和防止干扰的最有效策略,是利用适当的相关的和包含性较广的,最清晰和最稳定引导性材料,这种引导性材料就是所谓的组织者。这些组织者是在介绍新的学习材料之前呈现的,所以被称为先行组织者。数学命题教学由于其教学内容特点,长期以来通常采用的是讲授式的教学,被动的学习和形式的成绩测试与评估这样的传统教学模式,新课程倡导的探究式学习和合作式学习常常没有足够的时间去落实,进而流于形式。素质教育不能真正的落实,学生的自主学习能力没



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