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教 案 2006 ~2007 学年 第 1 学期 系 部 外 语 系 教 研 室 英语专业基础教研室 课 程 名 称 综合英语(一) 任课专业、年级、班级 英语0603-0604 教 师 姓 名 袁 琼 职 称 讲师 使 用 教 材 《综合教程1》 ?? 湖 南 商 学 院 教 务 处 制 湖 南 商 学 院 《综合英语》(1)课 程 教 案 Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye 课时安排 4 授课时间 第4周周1第1-4节第4周周4第1-4节 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次) 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点): Course information Aim of the course To give the freshmen a thorough understanding of the importance and ways of mastering of the 5 English skills: Listening/ Speaking /Reading/ Writing /Translating Pre-reading questions. 1. Have your family moved from one place to another? If you have, how did you feel when you were going to be away from the old house forever? 2. Have you ever attended a funeral of sb. you know very well? If you have, what were you thinking when you saw him for the last time? Text Analysis Part I (para1-4) The problem the author was confronted with. Part II (para5-13)Grandpa illustrates the meaning of “never say goodbye”. Part III (para14-20)The author抯 understanding of f“never say goodbye”. Part One: (Paragraphs 1-4) Main idea: bringing up the problem the author was confronted with: it is hard to overcome the sadness as the moment of parting drew near. So he turned to his grandpa for help. Para. 1: beginning of the story ---introducing the background Para. 2-4: the author learned from his grandfather the implication of “goodbye”. Questions for thought Q1: What did you learn form the first part? What is the problem confronted the author? Q2: Why was the author seized with the anguish of moving from his home? Q3: Why did the author shudder and shed tears when the final day came? Q4: Why did his grandfather advise him not to use the word 揼oodbye?to friends? (1) Vocabulary: confront, anguish, gracefully, laughter and tears, haven, porch, shudder, well up, rest, through one’s tears, stare



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