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综合英语 book3 unit 2

Unit 2. Why My Great-uncle Gave up the Ministry Teaching Objectives 1. Topic: Describing people and their behaviour 2. Grammar Points: Expand a sentence with infinitive to- structure and the structure for (doing) something expressing purpose. 4. Writing: Describing people Teaching Objectives 1. Topic: Describing people and their behaviour 2. Grammar Points: Expand a sentence with infinitive to- structure and the structure for (doing) something expressing purpose. 3. Vocabulary: jolly(adj.快活的; 高兴的; 兴高采烈的?vt.使(某人)甘愿或渴望做(某事); 怂恿, beloved(adj. 1.为…所深爱的 2.亲爱的; 敬爱的; 深爱的 3.钟爱的;深受喜爱的n.心爱的人, concern(concern?? 英[k?ns?:n] 美[k?ns?n]??? n. 1.忧虑, 焦虑, 担心 2.焦虑的原因 3.重要的或感兴趣的事物 4.企业, 公司 5.股份 6.(与某人)有关的事,…的事 7.商行,商号,公司;企业 8.关心;担心;顾虑,挂念 9.关系,关联,涉及 vt. 1.有关于, 关系到 2.使担忧, 使烦恼 3.[常用于被动语态]使关心;从事,参与,使卷入,使陷入,牵涉到(常与with 或 in连用) , clumsy笨拙的,得罪人的, inadvertently漫不经心地,疏忽地;无意地,不经意地 panic (v.), The gunfire panicked the baby.炮声使婴儿受到了惊吓。evastated憔悴的;devastate破坏,蹂躏,毁灭,使荒废 bring oneself to do something, resolve to决心,决定(vt。Vi), retire knock over grope in search for retrace ones steps smudge crisp mount fixture rip ... from clutch topple rise to on feet demolish reverence 4. Writing: Describing people Expressions (略) Listening Exercise(omit) Your Position: Book Three Unit 2 Text Study Text Analysis Why My Great-uncle Gave Up the Ministry by Marcia Barnard Chandler Para 1 The following sad but true tale concerns my great-uncle, a wonderful, jolly, beloved man who was over six feet four and probably weighed close to three hundred pounds. He was also well-educated and in the early 1900s became a full-time Baptist minister. A kindly, gentle man despite his size, Uncle Alden Bentleys only real fault seemed to be that he was terribly clumsy. As a young minister, he was paying a pastoral call one day on a woman in Dillon, South Carolina, when he inadvertently sat on her Chihuahua, Twinkie, and killed it. As the lady searched for and called for her dog throughout the house, Uncle Alden felt



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