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《商务英语写作》课程教学大纲 课程名称:商务英语写作 英文名称:Business Writing 课程代码:010073 一、课程基本情况 (一) 学 分: 2 学时: 32 (理论学时:16 实验学时:16) (二) 课程类别:专业必修课 (三) 适用专业:商务英语 (四) 开设学期:4 (五) 先修课程:商务英语基础课 (六) 教材与参考书目: 教 材: 《商务英语写作》,主编,外语教与研究出版社,200年月第一版《》,,,200年2月第一版; 《》,编著,出版社, 2008年月第一版; 《》,编,外语教与研究出版社,200年月第版。 Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing 2 2 4 Chapter 18 Questionnaires 1 1 2 Chapter 2 Structure and Style of Business Letters 1 1 2 Chapter 3 Inquiries and Requests 1 1 2 Chapter 4 Replies 1 1 2 Chapter 5 Complaints and Claims 1 1 2 Chapter 6 Adjustments and Refusals 1 1 2 Chapter 8 Invitation and Thank-you Letters 1 1 2 Chapter 9 Letters of Apology and Congratulation 1 1 2 Chapter 10 Notice and Announcement 1 1 2 Chapter 11 Memos and Minutes 1 1 2 Chapter 12 Resume 1 1 2 Chapter 13 Letters of Application 1 1 2 Chapter 15 Proposals 1 1 2 Chapter 16 Reports 1 1 2 合计 16 16 32 (二)课程内容与教学基本要求 Chapter 1 An Overview of Business Writing 4学时 知识点与基本要求: Students will be able to 1) Learn the functions of business writing; 2) Aware the criteria for effective business writing; 3) Master the effects of information-communication in business writing. 4) Learn the basic patterns of business writing 实践环节:无 教学重点,教学难点: Expressions of goodwill effects 主要教学方法 (Heuristics; Pair work and Group discussion; Task-based learning),主要的教学形式(Lecture),主要教学手段 (Multi-media teaching) 5、主要作业/学生自主学习内容: Exercises in the textbook on 1) revising the sentences to be more positive and you-viewpoint based 2) indicate direct or indirect approach preferable in different situations Chapter 18 Questionnaires 2学时 知识点与基本要求: Students will be able to 1) Know the function of questionnaire; 2) Learn three parts of the questionnaire; 3) Learn to design proper questions for different questionnaires 实践环节:无 教学重点,教学难点: 1) Useful words and expressions used in Questionnaires 2) Ways of designing series of questions 主要教学方法 (Heuristics; Pair work


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