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考点双向联动 单元目标领航 晨读时分 看法、态度相关表达 1.(1)As for life,the books have inspired her to think about that too:“Life is all about choices.” (2)Regarding your second question,whether to focus more attention on the SAT or TOEFL depends on your goals. (3)With regard to money,you neednt worry much. (4)I wrote to the head of the firm concerning Robert. 1.至于,关于(用于就某事/某物发表看法) (1)as for (2)regarding (3)with regard to (4)concerning 好句展台(今日选读·时尚佳句) 酷词在线 2.(1)There is no doubt that Wikipedia faces challenges.It carries no ads,relying for funds on donations. (2)She is doubtless my best friend. (3)I am in favor of using Putonghua in broadcasting and education. (4)I was inspired by Lis adventures,and was determined to follow her suit. 2.肯定,确定 (1)there is no doubt about sth/that... (2)doubtless (3)be in favor of (4)determined (5)Which to choose,liberal arts or science,has a great influence on a persons life.No wonder it is a difficult decision to make. (6)If you have never seen Glee,I definitely recommend it to you all,no matter whether you enjoy high school life or not. (7)Are you absolutely positive you locked the door? (8)He has conquered me with his basketball skills. (5)no wonder (6)definitely (7)positive (8)conquer sb.with sth. 3.(1)I am strongly against the removal of Lu Xuns works from our Chinese textbook. (2)Some lovers of the book object to the similarity of the actresses costumes and hairstyles. (3)All of this information can easily be found in any of the Fiske Guides to Colleges.You should also be open to the reality that some things are very difficult to know,and that a negative now may be a huge positive later. 3.反对、否定 (1)be(strongly)against sb/sth (2)object to (3)negative (4)Many teenagers admire this quality of innocence.But others,in this age of tight jeans and Gossip Girl,have a different outlook. (5)(2011年江西)Whats the point,in your opinion,of hel


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