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A.However B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Whenever 答案 A [句意:不管你多么努力,如果不减少食量,想要减肥会很难。考查让步状语从句。根据设空后的副词hard可知答案为however, however hard相当于no matter how hard。whatever无论什么,与名词连用;whichever无论哪一个;whenever无论什么时候。] ③(2012·湖南卷)________hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. A.whichever B.whenever C.whoever D.wherever 答案 C [句意:为了表示我们的尊敬,无论与谁握手,我们通常得摘下手套。shake hands with sb与某人握手,本句中的with后缺少宾语,结合句意选C项,whoever在句中引导让步状语从句。] ④(2011·重庆卷)To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off ________we are to shake hands with. (详见名词性从句专题热点讲析) (may/might be)有时省略,此类情况考查较少,对学生来说比较难。 Everyone should and must observe principles, whoever he or she. no matter一般省略,whether甚至有时也省略 Those standing there, boys or girls, all come over.  2.whatever/whoever sb/sth 3.(no matter)whether...or... 名 师 招 招 鲜 状语从句破解 1.首先应具备全面的状语从句知识,熟悉每个连接词的语义和语义特征,尤其像as,since这样的用法灵活的词;像before, until, unless等用法复杂的词;像as, when, while; as, since, because; if, even if, in case, as long as这些不易区分的表达,一定要充分重视对它们的学习。 2.解答并列句和状语从句类题目时一定要头脑清醒,思维清晰。实际上,这类题是让你选出两个具有一定逻辑关系的分句之间的一个“逻辑链”。所以,能否准确把握分句间的逻辑关系是做出正确选择的关键。 3.经验表明,收集一些结构复杂的长难句进行逻辑思维能力的专项训练是有益的、必要的。 hardly...when... no sooner...than...为常见高频考查句型,一般设置hardly或no sooner提前,考查倒装语序,偶尔顺便考查时态。 一……就…… as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the minute, the instant, no sooner...than...,hardly/scarcely...when... (2011·北京卷)________they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures. A.As B.While C.Until D.Once 答案 D [once,“一旦……”引导时间状语从句。] 热点3·4 ________environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover. A.Even if B.If only C.While D.Once 答案 D [once引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as+if。] once引导时间状语从句,其逻辑相当于as soon as+if,有条件的含义,但偏于时间。 (2012·江西卷)You can borrow my car ________you promise not to drive too fast. A.unless B.even if C.in case D.as long as 答案 D [考查条件状语从句,unless相当于if not。] 热点3·5 A.if B.unless C.because D.sin


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