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2014中考词汇补充内容测试卷 A 使某人有能力做某事enable sb. to do sth. 能够做某事 be able to do sth. 在。。。非垂直上方(反义词) above/ below 在。。。垂直上方(反义词) over/under 在。。。上面(接触)on 出国 go abroad 获得成功 achieve success 过马路(3)go/ walk across the road= cross the road 扮演 act as 积极参加take an active part in 室内/室外活动 indoor/ outdoor activity 把A 加进B add A to B 此外 in addition(后加逗号) 缺点,劣势n. disadvantage 广告n. ad 一条建议a piece of advice 害怕 be afraid of 一再,再三(2) again and again/ over and over 反对/赞成be against/ be for 在。。。岁时 at the age of 一个8岁的女孩(2) a girl aged 8/ an 8-year-old girl 同意某人的意见agree with sb. 同意做某事agree to do sth. 我没有比这更赞同的了。I can’t agree more. 先走;向前走;干吧go ahead 瞄准aim at 某人的目标是做某事sb’s aim is to do sth. 乘飞机(2)by air/ plane 在机场at the airport 闹钟 alarm clock 火警 fire alarm 使某人生存 keep sb. alive(宾补) 某人是活着的。Sb. is alive(表语). 救某人的命 save one’s life 生物living things 谋生make a living 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 某人被允许做某事Sb. be allowed to do sth. 使某人独自呆着leave sb. alone 独自居住live alone 感到孤独feel lonely 沿着路走(2)walk along/ down the road 总共(2)altogether/ in all 某人的理想是做某事sb’s ambition is to do sth. 三个美国人three Americans 在。。。当中(≥3)/(=2)among/ between 一定量的/大量的+不可数名词. an amount of/ huge amounts of 游乐场amusement park 在古代 in ancient times 生气地看某人look angrily at sb. 对某人生气be angry wit sb. 另一双/杯/个/又十年another pair/ cup/ one/ ten years 问题的答案the answer to the question (应声)开门/接电话answer the door/ phone 环顾四周/四处走走 look/ walk around 带某人四处转转show sb. around 到达某地(3)arrive at/ in, get to, reach some place 到家/这里/那里(3)arrive/ get/ reach home/ here/ there 向某人要求某物ask sb. for sth. 叫某人(不)做某事ask sb. (not) to do sth. 参加会议attend the meeting 注意某人/事pay attention to sb./ sth. 平均年龄/身高average age/ height 奖励某人某物(2)award sb. sth./ award sth. to sb. B 对某人健康有害/有益 be bad / good for sb. 对某人不友好/友好(3)be bad / good/ friendly/ kind to sb. 保持/失去/打破自然界的平衡 keep/ lose/ break the balance of the nature 银行抢劫案(复数)bank robbery (robberies) 。。。的基础/基于 the base of/ based on 赢得战斗/游戏/比赛 win the battle/ game/ match 打败某人/赢得某事 beat sb./ win sth. 听起来优美 sound beautiful 舞跳得优美/唱


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