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2012汉译英 1.中华民族面临的历史进程,充满了艰难险阻。 The history course that chinese nation now experiences??is full of??difficulties and obstacles.?? 2.三个警官冒着高温和浓烟,营救出了孩子们。 Three policemen braved high temperatures and thick smog to rescue children trapped.(brave sth to do sth/sb) 3.英国人能写小说和戏剧,偶尔也能出一名世界著名的画家。但是对于电影,他们却取得很少的功绩。 Britains are good writer on novels and plays, and now and then they contributed a world-class painter. But as for movies, they have so far done little. 4 理智战胜困难说着容易做着难。 Its easier said than done that sense prevails over emotion. 5长城东起山海关西到嘉峪关,全长六千公里,被称为万里长城。 Great Wall stretches from Shanhai Gate in the east to Jiayu Gate in the west for six thousand kilometers and it’s the reason why it’s called as “Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall”. 2011汉译英 1.人们必须通过对现象的分析和研究,才能了解到事实的本质,因此需要科学。 People must analyze and study phenomena in order to understand the essence of the facts, and therefore need science. 2.我们现在面临的所有重大世界性问题中最重要的问题就是人口对土地和土地资源的压力正在迅速增长。 The most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources. 3.受到这么多挫折和失败,他比以前聪明多了,这次任务他一定会完成得很好的。 After experiencing so many setbacks and failures,he is smarter than before and will complete this mission very well. 4.没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续下去,因此,农业作为国民经济的基础必须得到足够重视。 Without?agriculture,?people?can not exist, neither can social production proceed. As the foundation of the national economy, therefore, agriculture have to get enough attention. 5.这件事的发生不是由于我们的过错,而是由于你的疏忽大意。 The occurrence of the matter isn’t because of our fault, but because of your carelessness. 2010汉译英 1.成都是一座来了就不想走的城市。 Chengdu is a city where you are reluctant to leave once you come. 2.莫贪意外之财,莫饮过量之酒。 Do not?greed?windfall,?Do not?drink?too much?wine. 3.老弱病残孕专座。 Special seats for the old, the weak, the sick, and the pregnant. 4.作为求职者,过于随性的穿着会严重影响你被录用的几率。 As a job hunter, dressing much too casually will have a serious impact on your possibility of being employed. 5.调查表


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