Aggregative economics 1 Prelude.ppt

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二、欢迎举手提问或课后讨论 三、不允许私下讨论,手机请不要发出声音 Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources. . . . The word economy comes from a Greek word for “one who manages a household.” A household and an economy face many decisions: Who will work? What goods and how many of them should be produced? What resources should be used in production? At what price should the goods be sold? Society and Scarce Resources: The management of society’s resources is important because resources are scarce. Scarcity . . . . . . means that society has limited resources and therefore cannot produce all the goods and services people wish to have. 一、完全理性 亚当.斯密提出的称为“经济人”的理性人(Rational people)假说:    “每个人都在力图应用他的资本,来使其生产品能得到最大的价值。一般地说,他并不企图增进公共福利,也不知道他所增进的公共福利为多少。他所追求的仅仅是他个人的安乐,仅仅是他个人的利益。在这样做时,有一只看不见的手(invisible hand) 引导他去促进一种目标,而这种目标绝不是他所追求的东西。由于追逐他自己的利益,他经常促进了社会利益,其效果要比他真正想促进社会利益时所得到的效果为大。”(引自《国富论》1776) 一、完全理性   经济人假设和价格机制是经济学基石 经济人+看不见的手=经济学    经济学将利益最大化作为一切个体经济行为的目标,来分析社会经济活动,通常的引申假设包括家庭满足最大化、企业利润最大化和社会福利最大化等。 二、完全竞争 市场完全自由放任,经济主体追求利益最大化的过程中不存在任何政府干预。 价格机制自动调节供求,供求必定相等。 三、完全信息    经济学发展史 Important issues in macroeconomics Why does the cost of living keep rising? Why are millions of people unemployed, even when the economy is booming? Why are there recessions? Can the government do anything to combat recessions? Should it?? Important issues in macroeconomics What is the government budget deficit? How does it affect the economy? Why does the U.S. have such a huge trade deficit? Why are so many countries poor? What policies might help them grow out of poverty? 宏观经济学的两个主要话题 长期的趋势:经济增长 奥巴马重振经济的三板斧 2010年9月6日, 500亿美元交通基础设施升级计划(公路、铁路和机场跑道) 2010年9月8日,1000亿美元的企业研发税收优惠计划和2000亿美元的企业减税,促使企业把购置生产设备和厂房的资金用于增加雇员,预计受惠企业大约有150万家。 宏观经济学中的四个基本问题 宏观经济学中的四个基本问题 宏观经济学中的四个基本问题 Ten Principles of Economics 1. People face tradeoffs. 2. The cost of something is what you give up to get it. 3. Rational people think at the margin. 4. People respond to incentives. Ten Principles of Economics 5. Tr


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