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Review Junior High School Review tasks Task 1 Describe what he /she is like Discuss in groups Example: What’s his name? What does he do ? What does he look like ? Do you like him ? Which song do you like best ? Task 1 Describe what he /she is like Discuss in groups Example: What’s her name? What does she do ? What does she look like ? How much do you know her ? Task 2 List language points 1 Main drill used to do means :Someone often did something the past , but now he doesn’t do that any more. Exercise 1 He used to get up at six o’clock .(过去常在6点起) 2 Tom used to be a teacher ,_________? 3 I used to play the piano .(改为一般疑问句) ① Did you use to play the piano? ② Used you to play the piano ? Task 2 List language points 2 List the phrases in Unit 2 used to do be interested in be afraid to do be terrified of no longer not any longer take pride in in the end in the past in the past few years a fifteen-year-old boy spend …doing Task 2 List language points 2 List the phrases in Unit 2 pay for afford to do give up be patient with chat with feel lonely at once a problem child change one’s mind Task 2 List language points 2 List the phrases in Unit 2 wait a minute play the piano on the swim team after school give sb many problems as …as one can make a decision to do pay attention to waste one’s time a problem student’s change 李平,第三中学初三五班学生 1 以前表现: 经常迟到,旷课(be absent from school )、打架、进网吧上网 、学习不努力不认真 、没孝心、父母很伤心,很担心他的前途、 2 变化: 时间 进入初三 原因 和班主任的一次长谈 3 现在: 成绩进步很大、 从不旷课迟到 、再未进过网吧 懂得感恩 、 乐于助人 、 立志考上高中、 同学们都为他的变化感到高兴、 为他感到骄傲 Thank you for listening * * BOOK THREE UNIT TWO I used to be afraid of the dark 1 How to describe people’s appearances and personalities 2 List the language points in Unit 2 3 Writi


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