八年级英语8A Unit5 Birdwatchers.docVIP

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八年级英语8A Unit5 Birdwatchers

A Lesson Plan 8A Unit5 Birdwatchers Reading(Ⅰ) Zhalong – A special place 教学课型 阅读课 二、教材内容分析 通过阅读使学生了解扎龙自然保护区的地理位置、地貌、现状,扎龙自然保护区对鸟类特别是珍稀的丹顶鹤特殊的重要性,以及不同社会群体和政府对扎龙自然保护区所采取的行动,教育学生加入到保护鸟类、保护自然的行列中。 三、学情分析 通过前一课时Welcome to the unit 的学习,学生了解到一些鸟类(包括“鹤”)的体貌特征,而布置的家庭作业(查找信息:1、鹤之最2、丹顶鹤的外形特征与生活习性及别称“仙鹤、长寿鹤”的因由3、扎龙),使得学生对本课时的教学内容在思想上有一定的准备。约三分之一的学习能力较强的学生能够自觉预习课文,但由于一部分学生缺少主动学习的自觉性且接受能力欠强,教师有必要预先悄悄地指定几个学生充分准备好一些必用信息。在设计具体教学时,要兼顾好中差三个层次的学生。 教具 图片、收录机、打印好的练习、多媒体 五、教学设计 1、设计思路 本节课分为五个步骤(复习、阅读、巩固、讨论、家庭作业),反复围绕阅读材料,通过每个具体的教学活动(提问、语言重难点的分析、配对、判断正误、填空、词组翻译以及讨论等),加深学生对阅读材料内容的理解,增强学生热爱大自然的情感,从而使学生认识到地球是人类和鸟类共同的家园,进而去积极主动地关心鸟类的生存环境,为保护鸟类做出一定的贡献。 2、教学过程 Teaching objectives: 1. To infer general meaning from title and context 2. To guess the meanings of words from context 3. To skim text for overall meaning and scan for details 4. To improve students love of birds and help to take action to protect wildlife Teaching important and difficult points: 1. To grasp the keywords and main points in the context 2. To learn to talk about birds and their habitat Teaching procedures: Task1. Revision Step1. Get students to say something about their favourite birds in pairs . Then ask three students to describe a pet bird in English , the other students can guess what bird it is , the ones who are the first to have the right guesses are the winners . 设计说明:通过这个竞猜游戏,迅速激发学生对鸟类的兴趣。 Step2. Show the students some pictures and ask them to give the descriptions of the birds and fill in the forms (some information has been given ) . Tell students to look at Picture1 and ask the question “ What color do you think a crane is ? ” Then ask students to fill in the form . Pictures Name of the bird Characteristics Picture 1 Crane鹤 tall , long legs , long beak and long neck Picture 2 Seagull海鸥 long-winged , web-footed , white and grey or black feathers Picture 3 Sparrow麻雀 small , brown and grey feathers Picture 4 Swallow燕子 long pointed wings , forked tail , flies


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