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代理申请书格式英文 代理申请书格式英文 第一篇: 代理申请书上海影格电子科技有限公司地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室 电话:021-5169-7209 传真: 5169-7209拔分机2 网址:代理申请书authorized dealer application产品名称(product name):第一部分: 公司一般资料section one - pany general information1.公司全称(full name of pany): 2.公司详细地址 (full address of pany ): 3.电话号码 (telephone number): 4.传真号码 (fax number): 5.负责人 (person in charge):职位 (title):6.联络人 (contact person):财务 / 会计 (finance / accounting):职位 (title):工程 / 客户服务 (engineering / customer services):职位 (title):订货 / 运输 (order administration / shipment):职位 (title):7.员工人数 (number of employee):第1页第二部分: 公司商务上海影格电子科技有限公司地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室 电话:021-5169-7209 传真: 5169-7209拔分机2 网址: section two – pany business8.申请代理地区及领域 (area you want to cover):9.目前是否代理其他产品 (do you currently representing other products): 10.若是,请列出公司名(if yes, please give us the pany names) 1 1.公司开始业务多久(how long the pany in business) 1 2.公司主要业务为(what is the pany’s principle business) 1 3.请列出目前与所申请的领域有业务关系的三家单位(please list three major vendors the pany currently applying the business): 1. 2. 3. 1 4.请附业务计划书,最小包括下列各点( please attach a business plan including , but not limited to , the followings ): 1. 公司所属( pany ownership ), 2. 年销售额( annual sales revenue ), 3. 主要业务( major business ), 4. 如何在你的领域进行推广业务( how to promote this product in your areas ).1 5.是否同意订购样品及派员学习以表示将此产品投入所申请的地区(will you agree to purchase the machine and send your engineers to training to showyour mitment to market this product in your assigned area(s) )?() yes() no授权签署(authorized signature)日期(date)第2页 第二篇: 英文代理翻译{下面为一些具体格式和步骤:}a为委托方,b为被委托方{首先是委任:}1 appointment 1. 委任a hereby appoints the b as the global distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the goods all over the world (“territory”) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.a现根据以下条件和条款委任b作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品. {跟着写一些相关的权利和义务(只是参考例子):}a shall not sell or otherwise make available the goods to anybody from or about whoma knows or has reason to


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