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摘要离合器是汽车传动系中的重要部件,主要功用是是切断和实现发动机对传动系的动力传递,保证汽车平稳起步,保证传动系统换挡时工作平顺以及限制传动系统所承受的最大转矩,防止传动系统过载。膜片弹簧离合器是近年来在轿车和轻型汽车上广泛采用的一种离合器,它的转矩容量大而且较稳定,操作轻便,平衡性好,也能大量生产,对于它的研究已经变得越来越重要。此设计说明书详细的说明了轻型汽车膜片弹簧离合器的结构形式,参数选择以及计算过程。本文主要是对轿车的膜片式弹簧离合器进行设计。根据推式膜片弹簧离合器工作原理和使用要求,采用系统化设计方法,把离合器分为主动部分、从动部分、操纵机构。通过对各个部分设计方案的原理阐释和优缺点的比较,确定了相关部分的基本结构及其零部件的制造材料。根据车辆使用条件和车辆参数,按照离合器系统的设计步骤和要求,主要进行了以下工作:选择相关设计参数主要为:摩擦片外径D的确定,离合器后备系数β的确定,单位压力P的确定。并进行了总成设计主要为:分离装置的设计,以及从动盘设计和膜片弹簧设计等。关键词:离合器;膜片弹簧;从动盘;压盘;摩擦片ABSTRACTAutomobile clutch is an important part of the power train of the car ,it plays an important role. The main purpose of this design is using traditional methods to learn the basic steps, comprehending the design process, usingthe learned knowledge to the design process, thus a more solid grasp of the knowledge learned.This paper is a car diaphragm spring clutch design. In accordance with the conditions of vehicles and vehicle parameters, in accordance with the clutch system design steps and requirements for the following main tasks: choosing the main design parameters are: the determination of friction plate diameter, back-up clutch coefficient determination unit to determine the pressure. And designed primarily for the assembly: the design of separation devices, as well as the follower plate follower piece design includes the design and the design of the driven wheel disc, part of the design of the initiative, including the pressure plate, Clutch cover design, flexible drive chip design, which covered the design of the clutch is a simple design, is designed to manipulate the whole body out of the trip pedal, pedal power, with the ergonomic requirements. To reverse the shock absorber of the coil spring design.Key words:Clutch; Diaphragm spring; Driven plate; Pressure late; Friction disc目录摘要IAbstractII第1章绪论11.1研究现状11.2离合器结构和工作原理11.3设计内容2第2章离合器结构的设计32.1 设计参数和结构要求32.2 摩擦片的选择32.3 压盘的选择方式32.4 压紧弹簧的选择与布置32.5 分离轴承的选择形式42.6离合器通风散热的解决措施52.7 本章小结6第3章离合器基本结构参数的计算和确定73.1 摩擦片内径、外径的确定73.2摩擦片上单位压力的确定83.3离合器后备系数的确定


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