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天津外国语大学 2011年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语语言文学 (注意:答案必须写在答题纸上) (考试时间180分钟 总分150分) 说明:本试卷共三大部分,第一部分汉译英(40分)和第二部分英语写作(40分)为所有报考我校英语语言文学专业硕士研究生的必答题。第三部分(70分)为六个专业方向模块,考生按照所报考的专业方向答题。 I. Chinese-English Translation. (40 points) Directions: Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 农民工版《春天里》凭什么打动人? “如果有一天/我老无所依/请把我留在/在那时光里/如果有一天/我悄然离去/请把我埋在/这春天里 ”。在这个寒流不断侵袭的冬日,一对农民工兄弟用嘶哑和苍凉的歌声,给我们带来别样的“春天” 。 两位农民工光着膀子在出租屋唱《春天里》的视频,迅速红遍网络。湖南省委书记周强说,“每看一次都感动得热泪盈眶”。 没有华丽的舞台,没有精心的包装,打动人心的是夹杂着啤酒、香烟和雄性荷尔蒙气息的男人风格,是涌动的不安和悲壮的歌词,更是困境中顽强的呐喊、艰难中无怨无悔的坚持。 像成千上万涌入城市的草根一样,这两位农民工兄弟为了梦想奋斗,哪怕凄风冷雨,哪怕路人白眼!他们用青春书写着“奋斗改变命运”的精神,用汗水描绘中国人无怨无悔的心灵之歌。 II. Critical Writing. (40 points) Directions: Respond to ONE of the four theses listed in the following passage in an essay of approximately 300 words with a title of your own choice, a clearly stated central argument, and details/examples to support the argument. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. “Television makes you stupid.” Virtually all current theories of the medium come down to this simple statement. Four principal theories can be distinguished. The manipulation thesis points to an ideological dimension. It sees in television above all an instrument of political domination. The medium is understood as a neutral vessel, which pours out opinions over a public thought of as passive. Seduced, unsuspecting viewers are won over by the wire-pullers, without actually realizing what is happening to them. The imitation thesis argues primarily in moral terms. According to it, television consumption leads above all to moral dangers. Anyone who is exposed to the medium becomes habituated to libertinism, irresponsibility, crime and violence. The private consequences are blunted, callous and obstinate individuals; the public consequences are the loss of social virtues and general moral decline. This form of critique draws, as is obviou



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