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一、专业词汇翻译 mine n. 矿山,矿井。 v. 采矿 colliery n. 矿井 coal mining 采煤 coalfield n. 煤田 strike n. 走向 dip n. 倾向 roadway n. 巷道 mining district 采区 coalface n. 采煤面 working face工作面 ventilation n. 通风 bolt v. 打锚杆; n. 锚杆 immediate roof 直接顶; floor 底板; gas,methane 瓦斯 outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层 fault n. 断层 occurrence 赋存 oalfield 煤田 surrounding rock 围岩 Mine ventilation 矿山通风 internal combustion engine 内燃机 dilute冲淡, 变淡, 变弱, 稀释 contaminant 污染物 noxious 有害的 exhaust shaft 出风井 colliery 煤矿 trap door 通风门 moisture content 湿度 rank 品级 bituminous 烟煤 anthracite 无烟煤 igneous[地] 火成的 natural fracture 原生裂隙 cleat【地质】割理 porosity 多孔性 sorptive 吸附的 Permeability 渗透性 free gas 游离状态瓦斯 adsorbed gas 吸附状态瓦斯 voidage 孔隙度 adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线 Methane drainage 瓦斯抽放 Borehole 钻孔 ★Accident Causation Models:事故致因模型 ★System safety:系统安全 ★Hazard analysis:危害分析 ★Hazard identification:危险源辨识 ★Ergonomics process 人机工程过程 ★Hazard Identification 危险源辨识 ★safety culture 安全文化 ★corporate culture 企业文化 ★Accident Investigation:事故调查 ★mine fire 矿井火灾 二、句型翻译 ★1、Rasmussen and Jensen have presented a three-level skill-rule-knowledge model for describing the origins of the different types of human errors. Rasmussen和Jensen提出了一种技能—规范—知识的三级模型,用来描述不同类型的人为失误的来源。 ★2、The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization’s health and safety management. 组织的安全文化是个人和群体的价值观、态度、认识、能力以及行为方式的产物,这些因素决定着组织健康与安全管理的投入、形式和水平 。(定语从句的分译) ★10、The ergonomic process’ key purpose, is to communicate information among all those involved, so that adequate and feasible solutions to problems having ergonomics issues can be solved. 人机工程过程的主要目的,是为了在所有涉及到的因素之间进行信息交流,从而为涉及人机工程的问题提出充分、可行的解决方法。 ★11、The expected benefits of hazard identification are a decrease in the incidents of injuries, a decrease in lost workdays and absenteeism, a decrease in workers’


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