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How to Write with Style Kurt Vonnegut 1、他看上去很可怜,路人都纷纷解囊相助。 Wretch that he seems to be, the passersby /strangers all help him generously with money. 2、他真是个窝囊废。 He is really a worthless wretch. 3、《华盛顿邮报》在揭露了“水门事件”后在美国就变得家喻户晓。 The Washington Post became widely known (or became a household name) in the United States after its revelation of the Watergate Scandal. 4、他们充分预计到事情一旦被揭露立刻会引起一阵谩骂。 They fully expected that a rush of abuse would follow this unpleasant revelation. 5、青少年犯罪大多数是由于他们对法律的无知。 The teenagers commit crimes largely because they are ignorant of law. Adolescent delinquency results largely from ignorance of law. 6、我们最大的经验就是不要脱离世界,否则就会信息不灵。 The biggest lesson we have learned is that we should not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, lest we become ill-informed. 7、When a judgment is pronounced, the litigant must be informed of his right to appeal, of the time limitation, and of the competent appellant court. 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。 8、社会保险经办机构应当每季度将社会保险费征收情况向社会公布。 Social insurance agencies shall inform the public of the collection of social insurance premiums quarterly. 9、那奸商因非法经营被吊销了营业执照还被罚了款。 The crooked businessman was fined and his liscence was revoked for his crooked deal. 10、小心,别上当!那个卖旧汽车的商人是个地地道道的骗子。 Be careful not to be fooled. That used-car salesman is a real crook. 11、她背上背着个小孩,左臂弯里还挎着个大包裹。 She carried a baby on her back and a parcel in the crook of her left arm. 12、她端起茶杯喝茶时弯起了小指头。 She crooked her little finger as she picked up her cup and drank her tea. 13、那孩子还不会写字但她喜欢用蜡笔在雪白的墙上到处乱涂乱画。 The child can’t write yet but she loves to scribble here and there on the white wall with wax crayons. 14、你的字很潦草,我看不懂。 I can’t read your scribble. 15、老师认为他上课捣乱,就通知了他家长。 The teacher marked him down as a trouble-maker in class, so he informed his parents against him. 16、写整齐些。如果卷面看起来乱糟糟的,你就要被扣分。 Write neatly as you can be marked down if your paper looks messy. 17、他立即将学生提出来的建议记在笔记本上。 He immediately marked down the students’ suggestions in his


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