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湖南科技学院二○一 四 年 下 学期期末考试 英语 专业 2012 年级 英语文体学 试题 考试类型:开卷 试卷类型:A卷 考试时量:120 分钟 出卷人:唐建福 I.Fill in the following blanks. (2′×10=20′) 1. Style can defined as the ⑴linguistic habit of different people or characteristic of typical social situations. 2. Stylistics may be defined as the study of or the investigation of ⑵style. 3. Phoneme is the smallest ⑶sound unit in a specific language capable of semantic distinction. 4. Dialect is a subtype of language which may be determined by ⑷geographical locality or particular social groupings. 5. The three factors of register are ⑸field, tenor, and mode. 6. General stylistics is chiefly concerned with the investigation of the ⑹linguistic features of all kinds of language use. 7. A sentence made up of two or more simple sentences, joined together by conjunctions or punctuations is a ⑺compound sentence. 8. Pause can be divided into voiced pause and ⑻silent pause. 9. The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or to show the feeling of ⑼shock. 10. The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a ⑽warning. 11. The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncertainty and ⑾incompleteness. 12. The falling pitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness, certainty and ⑿completeness. 13. There are ⒀5 pitches in phonetics. 14. With ⒁consultative style people usually offer some background information. It is usually employed in business activities. 15. To attract readers’ ⒂attention is one of the functions of English advertisements. 16. The relationship between irony and humor is that irony is a language means while humor is an ⒃effect. 17. People usually use casual style between friends, acquaintances, or insiders. Its main feature is that people usually employ ellipsis, ⒄slangs or cants with it. 18. Stress, ⒅intonation, pause, and voice quality are the 4 phonetic means in English. 19. II.Multiple-choice (Attenti



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