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余热锅炉房基础专项施工方案 Construction Scheme of HRSG Hall Foundation 编制依据及说明 Compilation Basis and Description 编制依据 Compilation basis 《余热锅炉房基础施工图》 F681S-T030307; 图纸会审记录; 《电力建设施工质量验收及评定规程 第1部分:土建工程》 DL\T 5210.1-2005 《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》 GB50202-2002 《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》 GB50204-2002 1.1 Compilation basis “Construction Drawings of HRSG Foundation Hall” F681S-T030307; “Record of Counter-sign of Drawings”; “Quality Acceptance and Valuation Code of Electric Power Construction, Section 1, Civil Work Part” GB50202-2002 “Quality Acceptance Specification of Building Sub-grade and Foundation Work” GB50202-2002 “Quality Acceptance Specification of Concrete Structure Work” GB50204-2002 编制说明 Description 1#、2#、3#余热锅炉基础总体布局相同,结构形式一样,功能也相近,故3个机组基础施工同时考虑,编写在同一方案中; ① The general plan layouts of 1#、2# and 3# HRSG foundations are the same, as well as the structures and functions. So three HRSG foundations work will be considered into one construction scheme. 余热锅炉基础包括垫层、基础承台、连系梁、短柱等几部分,本方案同时考虑,不另行编制方案; ② The HRSG foundation covers bedding course, foundation cushion cap, collecting beams and short columns etc which will be compiled in this scheme. 基础与上部框架采用螺栓连接,螺栓及固定架由厂家提供; ③ Adopt Bolts connecting on the foundation and top frames, the bolts and fixed frames will be supplied by manufacturer. 地基处理采用钢筋砼灌注桩,该部分已由打桩公司完成,基础土石方开挖已在工程桩交接前基本完成,本方案中均不再赘述。 ④ The reinforced concrete caisson pile is used for sub-grade treatment. This job has been finished by pile driving company, As earth and stone excavation of the foundation has been basically completed before pile driving, so there is no other instruction about it in this scheme again. 工程概况 Summary of Work 余热锅炉露天布置arrangement of HRSG is separated by three parts, 1#, 2# and # foundations, respectively set on the axis line B-14~13、B-9~8 and B-4~3 of GT hall area. The lateral length is 12.8m, longitudinal length is 47.5. The space between HRSG foundation axis lines is 48.5m. 余热锅炉基础,承台型除了CT-5、CT-6为大体积基础,CT-1~CT-4为14个桩基基础,其余均为独立基础19个。基础间采用连系梁连成整


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