
克楚拉康 Kyichu Lhakang景点介绍.doc

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克楚拉康 Kyichu Lhakang景点介绍 克楚拉康 Kyichu Lhakang 是不丹最古老的寺庙。她坐落在帕罗河谷。克楚拉康是一座双寺庙建筑。第一圣殿是由藏王松赞干布在公元638年建造的。庙内供奉的释迦牟尼等身像是不丹最神圣的佛像。此后,克楚拉康不仅成为了当地人民朝拜的神圣之地,还成为了不丹王室举行庆典的重要场所。在建立之初,克楚拉康仅为一座规模不大的寺庙。 后来,多位佛教圣人亲临寺庙并主持扩大了庙宇的规模。克楚拉康最近一次扩建是1965年由Ashi Kezang王后(现任国王之母)倡议修建了Guru Lhakhang。作为不丹最重要的朝圣地之一,克楚拉康珍藏了许多珍贵的文物。除了与拉萨大昭寺齐名的等身佛像外,这里还有顶果钦哲仁波切大师1992年被火化后的灵骨。 Kyichu Lhakhang: Go back in time and history and visit the 7th century Kyichhu temple. As the name suggests, the temple is a reservoir of peace, where you will really feel at peace here. Next to the temple is the house that is now turned into a museum dedicated to the late Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. One can come across photographs and other artefacts belonging to Rinpoche. KYICHU LHAKHANG A short drive from Paro is Kyichu Lhakhang, one of Bhutan’s oldest and most beautiful temples. This temple is popularly believed to have been built in 659 by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet, to pin down the left foot of an giant ogress who was thwarting the establishment of Buddhism into Tibet. Additional buildings and a golden roof were constructed in 1839 by the penlop of Paro and the 25th Je Khenpo. As you enter the intimate inner courtyard you’ll see a mural of King Gesar of Ling, the popular Tibetan warrior-king, whose epic poem is said to be the world’s longest. Pride of place in the courtyard is a pile of iron links forged by the famous bridge builder Thang-tong Gyalpo. Outside the courtyard, a band of pilgrims almost as old as the temple itself haul away on ropes and pulleys that are rigged up to turn prayer wheels. The queen mother, Ashi Kesang Wangchuck, sponsored the construction of the Guru Lhakhang in 1968. It contains a 5m-high statue of Guru Rinpoche and another of Kurukulla (Red Tara), holding a bow and arrow made of flowers. Also here is a chorten containing the ashes of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, a revered Nyingma Buddhist master and spiritual teacher of the queen mother who passed away in 1992 and was cremated nearby. There is a statu


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