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关于现代质量管理理论在高校图书馆的探索中英文对照 About the exploration of modern quality management theory in university library. In both Chinese and English   20世纪80年代以后,质量管理的理论不断涌现,日益丰富。与此同时,在高等教育改革的大环境下,传统的教育观念和管理模式发生着质的转变。高校图书馆作为高校公共管理的重要组成部分,在这种急剧变化的内外环境中,衡量其管理水平高低的主要标准规根到底要看是否便于师生教学方面的利用,是否发挥了图书资料应起的作用,要看服务于教学的质量优劣,以及产生的各种效益如何。因此如何运用兴起于工商管理领域的现代质量管理理论精华,实现与图书馆的有效结合,成为高校图书馆需要面对的一个重要课题。 Since the 1980 s, the theory of quality management, has become increasingly rich. At the same time, under the circumstances of higher education reform, the traditional education ideas and modes of management happen a qualitative change. University library as an important part of public management in colleges and in such a dramatic change of internal and external environment, measure the management level of the main standard gauge roots to see if is convenient for teachers and students teaching use, whether to play a role of books and materials should be, want to see the quality of service in teaching approaches, and how the various benefits. So how to use in essence, modern quality management theory in the field of business management for combining with the library, and become an important task of university library needs to face.   一、全面质量管理理论(TQM)与ISO9000国际质量标准 A (TQM), total quality management theory and ISO9000 international quality standards   20世纪50年代,图书馆现代管理方式的研究兴起,图书馆管理开始借鉴其他学科的技术和框架体系。全面质量管理理论(以下简称TQM)这时起源于制造业,其基本的工作方法是PDCA循环,即由计划(PLAN)、实施(DO)、检查(CHECK)、处理(ACTION)所构成的质量环。从某种角度而言,TQM首先是一种管理思想,而这种思想的关键就是要建立有效的质量保证体系,而ISO9000系列标准正是这样一个标准化的体系。它将质量过程分解成为无数个具体的连续的环节,并将每个环节的质量要求标准化,进而文件化,其评价标准由外部完成并能通用,所以ISO9000是一种刚性的,强化的、易于检验的质量体系。 Research the rise of modern management methods in the 1950 s, the library, library management techniques from other disciplines and framework system. (hereinafter referred to as TQM total quality management theory) originated in the manufacturing industry at this moment, is the basic working method PDCA circulation, namely by the PLAN (the PLAN) and implementa


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