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双语:十大最坑爹的旅游景点(组图) 作者:沪江英语(微博)编译   We’ve all experienced tourst traps. Those heavily advertised attractions that turn out to be bland misrepresentations of the places we’re supposed to be seeing。我们都曾遭遇过旅游陷阱:某些大作广告的景点事实上枯燥乏味,不值一逛。   So which are the world’s worst tourist traps?那么,世界上最坑爹的景点有哪些呢?   For starters, in no particular order, try the devils dozen below。对于初级“驴友”来说,以下十二个景点堪称极品坑爹,排名不分先后。 牙买加,Dunn瀑布   Dunn’s River Falls, Ocho Rios, Jamaica   牙买加,Dunn瀑布   This admittedly pretty series of waterfalls in a lush forest has been transformed into a death march for millions of visitors。不得不说,位于繁茂丛林中的这一系列瀑布确实很有看头,但如今它们已经变成了上百万游客的“死亡之旅”。   Visitors slog up a crowded hillside holding hands with strangers like worker ants on a particularly gruesome mission。游客们手拉着手,步履维艰地爬上拥挤的山坡,就像成群结队的工蚁要去完成一项特别讨厌的任务。   Aggressive guides hustling for tips complete the tourist trap experience。粗暴地索取小费的导游让你被坑的体验更加完整。   Better to get ripped off on straw baskets in the Kingston markets。还不如在金斯敦(牙买加首都)的市场上被卖草编篮子的敲竹杠呢。 中国香港,星光大道   Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong   中国香港,星光大道   Built in 2004, this one is designed with mainland Chinese tourists in mind. You’ll find them here in droves, led by flag-toting tour guides as they stumble toward the promenade’s highlight, a statue of Bruce Lee in kung fu pose。建于2004年的香港星光大道面向的是中国大陆的游客。于是你就可以看见成群结队的游客,跟在举着小旗子的导游身后,跌跌撞撞地走向景区的中心——一尊李小龙的塑像。   A lack of comfortable resting areas and focus on souvenir photo booths makes the whole experience about as satisfying as a sneeze that doesnt quite come out。没有休息区,到处都是拍照摊位——这样的旅游体验就像一个喷嚏打不出来一样“令人满意”。 美国纽约,时代广场   Times Square, New York City, United States   美国纽约,时代广场   A big TV, a bunch of outdoor advertising and chain stores you can find anywhere in the United States。一台大电视,一堆户外广告,外加一排在美国随处可见的连锁店。   Locals avoid it with almost the same assiduity as empty cabs do, meaning once youre in, theres no quick escape。当地人都唯恐避之不及,空出租车也一样——也就是说,你一旦进去,就甭想很快出来了。 中国上海,南京东路   Nanjing Dong Lu, Shanghai, China   中国上海,南京东路   It bills itself as the “


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