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即将被物联网颠覆的三个行业 The IoT is a term developed to describe a wireless network of “things” containing embedded technology that communicate without human interaction. For example, a “thing” can be a wireless blood pressure monitor, a sensor on an assembly line or an RFID tag on a piece of clothing in a store. 物联网这个术语描述的是“事物”之间的无线网络,这些事物都采用嵌入式技术,无需人为介入就可彼此通讯。这个“事物”可以是无线血压监测仪、传感器、生产流水线,或是商店里衣服上的射频识别标签。 According to Gartner, there will be nearly 26 billion wireless devices connected to the Internet by 2020. Considering that in 2009 that number was less than 1 billion devices, it seems clear that the Internet is experiencing explosive growth of connected “things.” 据高德纳研究公司(Gartner)预计,到2020年,全球将有近260亿台无线设备联网。考虑到这个数字在2009年还不足10亿,物联网显然正在经历爆炸式增长。 So far, IoT technology has been mostly adopted by the manufacturing industry using machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. However, with rapid innovation of IoT technology, more and more industries are taking advantage of this new way of life. 迄今为止,物联网技术主要是由制造业在机器对机器(M2M)通信上所采用。然而,随着该项技术快速革新,越来越多的行业开始利用这种新的生活方式。 Here are three such examples of how businesses are becoming “smarter” by adopting IoT. Each presents new market opportunities for entrepreneurs innovating with technology to improve services, connections and communication: 以下是通过物联网技术让行业变得“更智能”的三个例子。每个例子都向创业者展现了通过技术创新来改善服务、增强联系、促进交流的全新市场机遇。 1. Healthcare 1、医疗保健业 With the potential to improve the health, safety and care of billions of people, healthcare is one of the most promising industries for IoT. With wi-fi-enabled medical tools and devices, hospitals are able to collect, record and analyze data faster and more accurately. This helps medical staff perform diagnosis and treatment and undoubtedly improve standards of care. 鉴于医疗保健水平的提高有助于改善数十亿人的健康、安全和医护问题,这是物联网前景最广阔的行业之一。在联网医疗工具和设备的帮助下,医院能够更快、更准确地收集、记录和分析数据。这有助于医护人员进行诊断和治疗,护理水平也必然会大大改善。 Health monitoring and wearable devices for patients are becoming extremely popular, as they’re able to transmit a patient’s real-time, vit


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