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双语文章—老外在中国 In the late summer of 2004, days before I was to move to Lianyungang, China, to teach English for a year, I spoke to an acquaintance who had spent a few years in the country. 2004年夏末,也就是在去中国连云港任教一年英语的几天前,我向一位在中国呆过几年的朋友了解情况。 Holidays are hard, he said. But oddly, not so much Christmas. Christmas isnt that bad. Its Thanksgiving thats hard. 他说:“那里假期很难熬,不过奇怪的是,圣诞节倒也还行,糟糕的是感恩节。” At the time, surviving the holidays was the least of my worries. I was moving to a country where I didnt speak the language, understand the culture, or know the history, in order to do a job that I had never done and didnt know how to do. And not only that, I was going to a city—Lianyungang—that I hadnt even heard of, and could find no information about online. 当时,假期并不是最令我担心的事情。我就要去中国了,可我根本不会讲汉语,也不了解中国文化或历史,而且我以前从没教过英语,压根儿不知道该怎么做;不仅如此,我要去的那个叫连云港的城市,连听都没听过,网上也查不到相关信息! Other than that, I was completely prepared. 除此之外,我算是准备就绪了。 Lianyungang, 300 miles or so north of Shanghai, is a port city of around 750,000 people and is famous in China for being the birthplace of the Monkey King, a literary hero from the 16th century novel Journey to the West. But in 2004, it looked like any other city in the country: full of tall, gray skyscrapers, neon signs, and belching taxis. 连云港位于上海北面300英里左右,是一座拥有75万人口的港口城市,作为16世纪小说《西游记》中“美猴王”的故乡而名扬中国。但是,2004年的连云港看上去却截然不同:到处都充斥着灰蒙蒙的高楼、闪烁的霓虹灯和喧闹的出租车。 Foreign residents in Lianyungang were few and far between. I was told that the first English teacher arrived in 2000 and when she—a middle-aged New Zealander with white hair—walked around, bicyclists sometimes slammed into parked cars. By the time I arrived four years later, there were about ten Western teachers in the city, but we still caused a minor frenzy when we ventured into a crowd of people. 在连云港老外并不多见。我听说这里直到2000年才有外教——那个满头银发的中年新西兰女教师无论走到哪儿,都能招来不少注目。4年后我到连云港,发现这里统共有10个外教,而且我们走在人群里也会引起小小的骚动。 Usually, there were the hellos: Young Chinese people would shout the word, accompanied by peals of laughter, as I walked


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