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Romaine, ?[ro??me?n] 看起来很像生菜,吃起来却像莴苣,一般炒着吃 ? Celery,[?s?l?ri] 这就是西芹啦,宽的那种,国外很少见细的芹菜(Chinese Celery)。我一般当中国芹菜炒肉吃。 Parsley,?[?pɑ:rsli] 这叫做欧芹,是一种香料,我们做面放香菜他们放欧芹(或罗勒叶 Basil),长得也比较像香菜,但味道没香菜那么浓(恶)郁(心),我一般做意大利面会摘一点点新鲜的欧芹点缀一下 Cayenne,??[ka???n, ke-] 查了一下是一种墨西哥小辣椒。国外的青椒没有辣味,超市一般还会提供多种来自墨西哥和泰国印度产的小尖辣椒(红绿都有)。虽然在国内青椒也叫椒,但国外的青椒黄椒灯笼椒叫做(Pepper),一般放在蔬菜区;这种小尖椒叫(Chilli),一般放在调料区。 Agave,?[?ɡɑvi] 龙舌兰 artichoke [ɑrt?t?ok] 洋蓟,朝鲜蓟 宝塔菜 Beet,或者说是 Beetroot? 甜菜 jalapeno [?hɑl??penjo] 墨西哥胡椒 Cranberry 蔓越梅 granny smith apple 澳洲青苹 A hard apple with a crisp tart flavour perfect for baking, freezing, salads, sauces and pies. Granny Smith is one of the best cooking apples with a sensational tart, tangy flavor. When fully mature the sweetness level of this popular apple increases. This Australian native was discovered in 1868 as a chance seedling by “Granny” Anne Smith of Ryde, New South Wales. One parent might have been a French Crab Apple. Grannys are known for the distinctive green flesh, which sometimes bears a red blush, and their very tart flavour. An all-purpose apple, Grannys work equally well as a snack, in pies or as a sauce. Raspberry ?[?r?zberi] 覆盆子 mustard [?m?st?rd] 芥末 tarragon [?t?r?ɡ?n] 蛇蒿草/龙蒿草/他力干 在法国,茵陈草被称为“草中之王”(King of Herbs),是许多经典法国菜的重要调料,甚至有“没有茵陈草,厨子不下厨”之说。茵陈草嫩茎叶具有芳香甜味,且略带苦味,还有类似干草的风味,可以用作猪牛肉、鸡、韭菜、马铃薯、番茄、胡萝卜、洋葱、石刁柏、香菇、花椰菜、豆类及米饭等食品的调味品。碎叶可加入清汤、馅料或炒蛋中,也可直接抹在烤鸡上,或混入鸡的填塞料中。新鲜叶还可用于制作醋、沙拉、鞳鞳酱(tartar sauce)等调料。因香气浓,不宜多放。 pub fries 酒吧薯条 French fries?(American English) or?frites,?chips,[1]fries,[2]?finger chips,[3]?or?French-fried potatoes?are batons of?deep-fried?potato.[4]?In the United States and most of Canada, the term?fries?refers to any elongated pieces of fried potatoes, while in the?United Kingdom,?Australia,?South Africa,Ireland?and?New Zealand, long, thinly cut elongated strips of fried potatoes are sometimes called?shoestring?to distinguish them from the more thickly cut strips called?chips. Iceburg Lettuce Butterhead (Boston) Lettuce


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