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After spending a couple of weeks talking to Americans in Moscow, and listening through a wall to the life of the Russians, I decided to learn the language. 我在莫斯科呆了几个星期,同一些美国人聊了聊,又隔墙窥视了一下俄罗斯人的生活,就决定要学习这种语言。 He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. (Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 他这人很聪明,容易相处,可学习粗心大意,特喜欢借债,喝酒有瘾。 把开发新技术、新产品、新产业同开拓市场结合起来,把发展技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业结合起来。 We shall combine the efforts to develop new technologies, products and industries with the efforts to open up markets and integrate the development of technology-intensive with labor-intensive industries. 她独处时便感到一种特殊的安宁。 A strange peace came over her when she was alone. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors—their looks or status—in order to feel good about themselves. 缺乏真正的内在价值的人依仗一些外部因素—相貌或是地位—来获得自我良好的感觉。 Don’t engage in personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. 不要人为地去掩盖人生中不尽人意的方面。 I have my own system for learning foreign language, which is based on a profound understanding of the human heart, and which I will here with some reservation impart to the reader. 我现在有了自己的一套学习外语的方法,这套方法是建立在对人的思想感情深入了解之上的。在这里,我想向读者透漏一二,不过稍有保留。 最近二三十年来,世界的科学技术日新月异地发展,专业化的分工更细,协作的规模更大。 The recent two or three decades have witnessed the fatastic spurt of science and technology throughout the world with the result that there is a higher degree of specialization and a greater scale of coordination. 同经济体制改革和经济发展相适应,必须按照民主化和法制化紧密结合的要求,积极推进政治体制改革。 To keep pace with economic development and the reform of the economic structure, it is imperative to push forward the reform of the political structure, bearing in mind that promotion of democracy must be closely combined with improvement of the legal system. 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们。这对我们确实是一个鞭策。 译文一:The fact that those who had learned from us now excelled us really serves as an impetus to us. 译文二:It really serves as an impetus to us that those who had learned from us


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