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reserve v. a) to save a place in a hotel room, on an airplane, etc, [synonym: book] 预定 e.g. He reserved a room for three nights in the hotel. 他在那家旅馆订了一个房间打算住三宿。 b) to keep or hold for oneself 保留;留住 e.g. We are reserving these seats for my parents. 我们把这些座位留给我父母。 These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies. 这些座位为老人和孕妇保留。 Text reserve n. a) 储备 b) 冷淡;寡言少语 c) 后备部队;预备部队 d) 保护区 e.g. She keeps a cash reserve in a savings account in case of emergencies. 她在储蓄账户中留有现金储备以备急用。 The man answered questions with a cool reserve and without smiling. 那人回答问题时毫无表情。 He left the regular army and joined the reserves. 他离开了正规部队加入了后备部队。 You can sometimes see wild animals at the nature reserve. 你在自然保护区有时能看到野生动物。 Text reserve in reserve to keep sth. for later use 留待备用 e.g. I keep a small radio in reserve, so I can listen to music if my stereo system breaks. 如果我的立体声音响坏了,我还有小的收音机备用,仍可以听音乐。 reservation n. 储备 a) [C or U] when you arrange to have something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant kept for you 指安排订购机票预订餐桌之事 e.g. Id like to make a table reservation for two people for 9 oclock. 我想为两位客人订购九点的餐桌。 Text reserve b) [C]an area of land made available for a particular group of people to live in 方便特殊人群居住的地方; 居留地 e.g. We visited a Native American reservation in Arizona. 我们参观了亚利桑那州美国土著人的居留地。 without reservation having no doubt or concern 无保留地 e.g. I recommend her for the job without reservation. 我无条件地推荐她做这份工作。 Text reserve reserved adj. a) 预留的;保留的 b) 寡言少语的,同”restrained” e.g. That seat is reserved for Mr. Johnes. 那个座位是琼斯先生预定的。 He is a very quite and reserved person. 他是一个缄默寡言的人。 Text lack v. to not have or not have enough of something that is needed or wanted 缺少或缺少足够的必须品或想要的东西 e.g. He just lacks a little confidence. 他正是缺少自信心。 What we lack in this house is space to store things. 屋子里我们缺少的是储存东西的空间。 n. lack of sth. the absence of something or when there is not enough of it



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