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讲话/演讲提纲 正文写讲话的开头语,然后把所讲的主要内容,用大小标题的形式列出,或者把主要内容写出来,最后写结束语。 讲话提纲的写作可繁可简。最简单的提纲只有几十个字或几百个字,甚至只用一张纸片或烟盒纸就能写下:有的讲话提纲长达数千字,甚至上万字。这可以根据每一个讲话者的实际情况、习惯爱好而定。总之,它没有死的规定,约束性很小。 TEM 8 Mini-lecture * (2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Classifying 分类 There are N types kinds classes categories sorts varieties of X * (2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Concluding 总结 That completes my lecture. We’ve seen that First we looked at … and we saw that Then we considered . .. and I argued that In short, To sum up In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize that * 3.2 听前 保持轻松、愉快、平静的心情; 准时到考场,调试好听力设备,备足电池; 提示音开始后,稍有紧张时可靠呼吸来调节,并做好记笔记的物质准备 * 3.3 听中 找中心:讲座开头会交代主题(lead-in) 抓要点:对每段中心句进行归纳(topic sentences) 理脉络:对结构要点信息进行梳理,注意语音语调 顾整体:不纠缠细节 不遗漏:记笔记时要全面, 不潦草 * 3.4 听后 录音播放完毕后,应该尽快(十分钟其实很快过去)根据笔记现将有把握的空填上;后对不是十分确定的空结合提纲联系上下文和笔记全局考虑 注意词性转换 注意单词大小写 注意书写工整,不要违规涂改 * 3.5 记笔记 同学们结合自己的习惯和训练中的实际,总结一套适合自己的速记符号 符号 缩写 通用符号 自定符号 数字 长词 专名 常用缩写 * (2)采取“横纵结合”的书写方法 同层次内容速记 分层次内容速记 I (1)…… (2)…… II (1)…… (2)…… III……. IV …… * 3.2-3.5 操作演示 2008TEM8讲座原文片段 Another factor has something to do with information exchange around the world. As we all know, a great deal of academic discourse around the world takes place in English. It is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example, and many journal articles in fields as diverse as astronomy, child psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language. The last factor I cite here concerns popular culture. In the western world, at least, English is a dominating language in popular culture. Pop music in English can be heard on many radios. Thus many people who are not English speakers can sing words from their favorite English medium songs. And many people who are regular cinemagoers or (TV viewers) can frequently hear English in subtitled films coming out of the USA. * 笔记演示 4. info. EX Eng. acdmk diskos. L.F. of conf. e.g. Journal artic., (astro., child psy., zoo.) 5. pop Cultr. Eng. dominating lg. (pop music Eng. many radios) regulr cinemagoers+TV viewers? sub. films of US * P


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