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英语课堂用语400句 CONTENTS目录 一、Getting the pupils ready for class组织教学 二、Revision复习 三、Presentation介绍 四、Drill操练 五、Practice练习 六、Consolidation巩固 一、Getting the pupils ready for class 1.Its time for class.上课时间到了。 2.Lets begin our lesson.我们开始上课。 3.Stand up,please!请起立! 4.Good morning,boys and girls!大家早上好! 5.I will teach you English this term.这学期将由我教你们英语。 6.I am a teacher trainee.我是一位实习老师。 7.Good morning,teacher!老师早上好! 8.Good afternoon,class!同学们下午好! 9.Good afternoon,teacher!老师,下午好! 10.Sit down,please.请坐。 11.Have you got anything to report to the class,monitor?班长,你有什么向班级汇报的吗? 12.Who is absent today?今天谁缺席了? 13.Zhang Ming is absent.张明缺席了。 14.Is everyone here?都出席了吗 15.Everyone is here except Li Ning.除了李宁,全都到了。 16.Why is he absent?他为什么缺席? 17.He is ill. He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已请了病假。 18.Are you a new pupil?你是新同学吗? 19.Allow me to introduce myself,please.请允许我自我介绍一下。 20.Where are you from?你从那里来? 21.I am from Beijing.我来自北京。 22.How did you spend your Sunday?星期天你是怎么过的? 23.We had a picnic.我们去野餐了。 24.We had a very good time.我们玩得很痛快。 25.What time is it now?现在几点了? 26.Its ten past eight.八点十分了。 27.Open the window,please.请打开窗户。 28.Please shut the door. It is very cold today.今天很冷,请把门关上。 29.Leave the window open,please.请开着窗户。 30.How are you?你好吗? 31.Fine, thank you ,and you?很好,谢谢!你呢? 32.Im fine too.我也很好。 33.Whats your name?你叫什么名字? 34.My name is Wan Lin.我叫王林。 35.Be quiet,please.请安静。 36.Silence,please.请安静。 37.Stop talking.不要讲话了。 38.Dont talk any more.不要在讲话了。 39.Who is on duty today?谁值日? 40.I am on duty.我值日。 41.You have done your duty very well.你值日生工作做得很好。 42.Your classroom looks clean and tidy.你们教室看起来既清洁又整齐。 43.Where is the chaik?粉笔在哪? 44.In the drawer.在抽屉里。 45.Next time please put the eraser and chalk on the teachers desk before class.下次上课前请把黑板擦和粉笔放在老师书桌上。 46.May i come in?我可以进来吗? Yes,please.请进。 47.I am sorry I am late.请原谅我迟到了。 48.Please excuse me for coming late.请原谅我来晚了。 49.Dont be late next time.下次别迟到了。 50.Please come early next time.下次早点来。 51.Get up early in the morning,please.早上请起


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