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论中国古典园林艺术的意境美中文摘要 中国古典园林作为中国古典文化的一部分,集艺术、文学、哲学等多学科于一体,具有极高的文化价值。“以诗情画意写入园林”是中国造园艺术的特色。而园林中意境的营造,更使得这种艺术发挥至极致,它区别于绘画、诗词等需要借助于线条、语言等无形意境的创造,而是在有限定范围内通过特殊手法来表达出创作者的思想、意蕴,使景传递出情,情与景交融,由此形成情绝风雅,神韵独高,蕴含哲理,耐人寻味的园林境界,进而体现出博大的中华文化及其精髓。现代景观设计的重要目标之一是实现人类生活环境与自然环境的和谐共生,主张人工景观和自然景观密切结合的观点与中国古典园林不谋而合,因此分析中国古典园林意境对现代景观的发展尤为重要。本文分析中国古典园林意境文化内涵,提出要点,并结合现代景观设计实例分析其营造手法在现代景观设计的传承与创新。明确现代景观实际事例应当以传统文化的蕴含为重,用现代人的审美意识去剖析中国古典园林意境丰富的内涵,使之能够对现代景观设计的思想和实践起到借鉴和指导作用,为中国现代景观设计寻找一条切实可行的途径。关键词:中国古典园林 意境美 景观设计 传承与创新 ABSTRACTAs a part of Chinese classical culture, Chinese classical garden is a subject in integration of art, literature and philosophy, and has a high cultural value.. To write a quality suggestive of poetry or painting gardening art garden is Chinese characteristics. And the creation of the artistic conception in the garden, but also makes the art of play to the extreme, it is different in painting, poetry and other need with the aid of in lines, language, and other intangible artistic creation, but in limited range through a special way to express the creator of ideas, meaning to make the scene conveys emotion, feeling and scene blending, thus forming the vast artistic, verve alone high, contain philosophy, intriguing Garden State, which reflects the breadth of Chinese culture and essence. One of the important goals of modern landscape design is to realize human living environment and the natural environment of harmony, advocate artificial landscape and natural landscape is closely combined with point of view and the Chinese classical gardens coincide. Therefore, the analysis of the artistic conception of Chinese classical gardens to modern landscape development is particularly important.本文分析中国古典园林意境文化内涵,提出要点,并结合现代景观设计实例分析其营造手法在现代景观设计的传承与创新。明确现代景观实际事例应当以传统文化的蕴含为重,用现代人的审美意识去剖析中国古典园林意境丰富的内涵,使之能够对现代景观设计的思想和实践起到借鉴和指导作用,为中国现代景观设计寻找一条切实可行的途径。This paper analyzes the connotation of artistic conception culture in Chinese classical gardens, and puts forward the main points, and



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