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毕业论文参考题目 (Suggested Topics for College Undergraduates) 注:以下参考选题仅提供一种方向性的选择参考,因此直接作为选题题目太泛,切勿照抄作为选题上交! 语言学与跨文化交际 1. The Importance of Meaning Group in Translation 2. Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication 3. Ambiguity and Puns in English 4. Linguistic Features of ESP (English for Special Purpose) 5. Chinese/English Newspapers and Their Linguistic Features 6. The Latest Innovation of English/Chinese 7. Chinese/English Abstraction 8. Language and Internet 9. Some Basic Considerations of Style 10. English by Newspaper 11. Words/Sentences/Texts: Chinese vs English 12. Discourse Strategy: Chinese vs English 13. Rhytorics: Chinese vs English 14. Chinese/English Taboos and Culture 15. Cultural difference and Reading Comprehension 16. Writing Style and Culture 17. An Intercultural Approach to English Learning/Teaching 18. Nonverbal Communication and English Learning/Teaching 19. Theoretical Models and Intercultural Studies 20. Culture and Interpersonal Relationship 21. Proverbs/Idioms/Allusions and Chinese/ English Culture 22. Cultural Relativism/ Ethnocentrism/ Stereotype/ Prejudice and Intercultural Communication 23. Clash of Cultural Values: The East and the West 24. Cultural Conflicts and International Politics 25. The World of the 21th Century: Where to Go? 26. Globlalization/Localization of Language and Culture in Global Communication 27. Language and Power 28. Language Spreading and Linguicism/ Linguistic Imperialism 29. English Spreading and Colonization 30. Language Policy and National Culture/Strategy 语用学 I. Pragmatics theoretical practices 1. An inquiry into speech act theory 2. Inferences of conversational implications 3. Context and meaning 4. Charles Morris theory of signs: a pragmatical reflection 5. Logical truth and communicative relevance 6. The cognitive foundation of Revelance Theory 7. Scalar implicature in the utterance interpretation 8. Presupposition and contextual projection 9. From linguistic catego



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